
Okamiden Debut Trailer Shows Adorable Wolf-Goddess

Capcom has unveiled the first trailer for Okami DS sequel Okamiden in advance of the Tokyo Game Show, and one thing is for certain: Wolf-Goddess puppies are goddamn adorable.

It’s no secret that we here at The Escapist are looking forward to Okamiden: Little Sun. Not only is it the sequel to a beloved last-generation cult hit in a snazzy portable form, but as this first glimpse at the game reveals, the protagonist Chibiterasu – a young wolf-goddess whose relation to Amaterasu, the goddess who was the main character of Okami is as of yet unknown – is cute as all hell.

I mean sure, we get a glimpse of gameplay, and it looks exactly like you’d expect from an Okami game on the DS (the stylus being a perfect fit for the paintbrush mechanic), but that doesn’t really matter much. Nor does the fact that all the potentially-relevant text is in Japanese bother us much, either. Because awwww, lookit the baby god-in-wolf-form. How can you say no to that face?

Who’s a good Chibiterasu? You are! Yes, you are! Good girl! …or is it boy?

(Via MTV Multiplayer)

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