
Find Balloons For DARPA, Make Money For Charity


GPS treasure hunting website is giving you the chance to make a heavy donation to charity, all on DARPA’s coin.

Along with all the Metal Gears, leaping surveillance drones or cyborg beetles it makes, DARPA was instrumental in the creation of the internet, and to mark the 40th anniversary of DARPAnet, it is offering a $40,000 prize to the first person that can supply it with the co-ordinates of ten numbered red weather balloons it has placed around the continental USA.

This is where step in, as it is offering to not only donate the entire prize money to charity, but is also offering to add another $10,000 to the pot, provided that the site wins the challenge. All you need to do is to send an e-mail to [email protected] if you see one of the balloons, or if someone you know has seen one.

The balloons will only be visible today – on Saturday the 5th December 2009 – so tell you friends and family, ideally via the internet, and see if we can’t do something really positive. The $50,000 pot will be donated to schools who need GPS equipment, chosen through

Read more about DARPA’s challenge here and get up to the minute updates about Geocaching’s progress here.

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