
Pachter Claims He Was Guessing About Twisted Metal

After setting rumor mongers ablaze, Michael Pachter now admits he was “guessing” about David Jaffe working on a new Twisted Metal title.


It seems that all the rumors on the net about David Jaffe working on a new Twisted Metal game don’t actually have anything backing them up. After the game’s possible existence was revealed last week, Jaffe claimed that industry analyst Michael Pachter wasn’t on the ball about this because there’s no such game in development.

“Amused & surprised people not seeing Pachter’s comment as the joke it was,” Jaffe tweeted after he saw people’s reactions across the web.

Even Michael Pachter is now admitting that his comment was pulled out of thin air. Speaking to Eurogamer, the analyst for Wedbush Morgan dismissed his comments last week as things that shouldn’t have been taken seriously. “I know nothing about what David [Jaffe] is working on, other than that it is a ‘really great game’, according to him, but I suppose that goes without question,” Pachter said in the interview.

“My Twisted Metal comment is purely conjecture,” Pachter further explained. “It’s the game I hope he’s working on, but I do not have confirmation from him about it… it wasn’t a slip, it was an intentional comment, and it is just my best guess as to what he’s working on. For the sake of the gaming community, I hope I’m right.”

So, sorry, everyone, it seems like we’re going to be waiting a while for a new Twisted Metal game.

Source: Eurogamer

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