
The Week in Review – The Best News Not From E3

This may have been E3 week, but here’s the best news not from the conference. On this week’s edition, super powerful laser pointers and Futurama footage.

Gamers Don’t Own Their OnLive Games


Want to buy a copy of Batman: Arkham Aslym that you can play on any computer with an internet connection? Well, that’s not possible just yet, but if you want to rent one, OnLive can hook you up. The terms of service for OnLive reveal that if you let your subscription lapse for too long, you will permanently lose access any and all content you’ve bought. Caveat Emptor. (link)

Take That Alderaan!


Ok, it might not be able blow up planets, but the Spyder III Pro Arctic is still a fairly fearsome device, capable of burning skin and causing permanent damage to eyes. The best part, or worst part depending on your point of view, is that the Spyder III is actually quite cheap for a death ray, and can be yours for under $200. You will have to agree to a hazard warning before you buy the device though. (link)

New Vegas Ends When it Ends


If you’ve got plans to get the main story done as quickly as possible in Fallout: New Vegas and then roam the desert unfettered, you might want to think again. Obsidian’s Josh Walker has said that the ending in the game is final and that “post-endgame” content would spoil it. Instead, New Vegas will save just before the final mission, so after the credits roll, you can reload and finish any quests you missed. (link)

Langdell Returns With Litigation


Just when you thought it was safe to use the word “edge” for your game or product, Edge Games boss Tim Langdell has returned with a lawsuit against EA over the game Mirror’s Edge. Edge Games is claiming “willful infringement and unfair competition” and is seeking an injunction and triple damages against the publisher. EA has put in a petition with the USPTO to have Edge Games’ trademarks cancelled, but those are still pending. (link)

Welcome to the World of Tomorrow!


The first minute and a half of Futurama made its way onto the internet this week, revealing how the crew of the Planet Express made it back to Earth. It also slips in a joke about the show’s change of network. It’s impossible to judge whether the new series will be any good or not from just ninety seconds, but what I’ve seen looks pretty good. Hit the link to watch it for yourself. (link)

About the author

E3 Killjoy 2010

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