
[Update] X-Men Arcade Will Not Be a Timed XBLA Exclusive

Sorry, European PS3 gamers. Looks like you’re going to be waiting a little while before you get to brawl with Marvel’s Favorite Mutants.

Update: To clarify, the delays getting X-Men Arcade onto PSN do not apply to North America. XMA will be out on North American PSN next Tuesday, December 14th, as originally scheduled.

The original news post is preserved below in its entirety, and is still accurate regarding Europe. Sorry, European PS3 owners – you’ll need to keep hanging on to your mutants for a little while longer.


It’s safe to say that Konami’s X-Men arcade game from 1992 is still one of the most beloved beat-em-up titles to ever come out. While the game was (sort of) ported to the GBA platform with Reign of Apocalypse, the game hasn’t come out for home consoles until now. However, 360 gamers are going to get to play it quite some time before PS3 owners.

Konami has confirmed that, while the game, X-Men Arcade is going to be released for the 360 in Europe and the U.S. next week on December 15th, However, the PSN version of the game is currently scheduled for a February release. No selling price has been announced for either yet. The reason for the delay wasn’t revealed by Konami when the publisher spoke to Eurogamer.

While the game is a pretty faithful port of the original arcade cabinet version (featuring Cyclops, Colossus, Dazzler, Nightcrawler, Storm, and Wolverine as playable characters), it is set to feature changeable difficulty levels, drop-in/out multiplayer modes, and high-resolution graphics.

Source: Eurogamer

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