
These Real-Life Street Fighter Combos Will Smash Your Face

Street Fighter combos are cool, but Street Fighter combos in real life? That’s downright awesome. (And brutal, too.)

The Thousand Pounds Action Company has put out its latest and greatest video featuring nearly five minutes of Street Fighter-style combos played out in teeth-rattling real life. It’s pretty spectacular stuff and each fight ends with an appropriate (and hilarious) KO. This is actually the final of three “Ultra Combos” videos and while it’s definitely the longest and the best, the other two are worth checking out (here and here) as well.

The Thousand Pounds Action Company was formed in Los Angeles in January 2010 and includes actors, stunt performers, visual effects artists, editors, directors and fight choreographers. The TPAC Facebook page says says it “loves adapting anime, video games, and other insane ideas into something fans of the genres and newcomers alike will respect and enjoy, as well as doing totally original work with elements viewers have never seen the likes of before.” The group’s current project is a 20 minute long live-action adaptation of Naruto Shippuden called Naruto Shippuden: Dreamers Fight.

Now sit back and enjoy the show!

via: Kotaku

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