
Serious Sam 3 Gets Four New Screens

Four all-new screens from the upcoming Serious Sam 3: BFE are making the rounds and yes, they really do look seriously hot.

Come on, you didn’t seriously expect me to do a Serious Sam post without saying “serious” did you? Okay, I’ll stop now, but these four new screens are indisputably sexy. The original Serious Sam [which is now ten years old, by the way] was a graphically gorgeous affair and by all appearances, BFE is set to follow in those footsteps, albeit with a far more realistic visual style – if you can call a purple, blob-like alien with rocket launchers for arms “realistic.”

Stupidly huge enemies, another fine Serious Sam tradition, also appear to be well-represented in the game based on the shot of that gigantic Shai-hulud thing about to swallow that poor little helicopter.

Serious Sam 3: BFE is a prequel to Serious Sam: The First Encounter and will tell the tale of Earth’s final, desperate struggle against the invading hordes of Mental. The action will still go down in Egypt despite being set in the 22nd century, but this time around the ancient pyramids and temples will be complimented by the crumbling cities of the future.

Serious Sam 3: BFE is scheduled to come out later this year for the PC and “consoles.” We’re still not entirely sure what BFE means.

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