
Duran Duran Unveils Second Life “Residence”


Her name is Rio and she dances in Second Life, as of next week.

1980s pop sensation Duran Duran has unveiled plans to open a “permanent virtual residence” in the pixelated sandbox of Linden Labs’ Second Life.

The group is best known for hits like “Rio,” and “Hungry Like The Wolf” and for performing the theme for that one James Bond movie with Christopher Walken. Second Life, by contrast, is best known as a haven for those who get off on the idea of anthropomorphized lady unicorns eating ears of corn that inexplicably have eyes and sound suspiciously like beloved actor James Doohan.

In an effort to explain whatever connection the two disparate elements might have, Duran Duran Universe community manager Chrissy Welinder penned the following on the group’s website:

The Duran Duran Universe — the permanent virtual residence of and by the band Duran Duran in Second Life — will soon open its gates.

I am so very thrilled about it that I can hardly find any words. I am very happy to have had the opportunity to be the proud witness to the birth of a magic masterminds brainchild and I feel even more honoured to now share this amazingly beautiful wonderland with you.

From the top of the lipstick tower high in the Azizi sky to the underwater UFO Club in the Sanhedralite sea the Duran Duran Universe is packed full of wonderful artistic treasures, interactive features, innovative multimedia and exciting events and games. All carefully chosen by the band members as part of their motto: “designed to make people party!”

I am looking forward to welcoming you all personally in the DDU – join the adventure and meet me there!

Oh, okay, that clears it up.

Wait a second! No it doesn’t! That doesn’t clear up anything!

Why is Duran Duran opening a virtual club in Second Life? Is Duran Duran even still a group? Is Second Life even still a thing that people do? Is there a vast crossover demographic of Duran Duran fans who enjoy virtual sandbox realms? Is this going to lead to a rash of overly-sexualized “Hungry Like The Wolf”-themed avatars?

The answer to that last one is “almost definitely.” When the virtual Duran Duran Universe opens on June 22, we’ll see about the other four.

Source: Duran Duran, via Massively

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