
Microsoft Not Crowing Over Sony’s PSN Woes


Microsoft realizes that even a hack against a competitor is bad for everyone.

You might think that Microsoft looks at Sony’s recent PSN troubles as its gain, but the house of Xbox doesn’t see things like that. Officially, anyway.

In an interview with IndustryGamers, COO and CFO of Microsoft’s Interactive Entertainment Business Dennis Durkin expressed his condolences for Sony. “It’s bad for the industry that this has happened to Sony,” he said. “It’s very, very bad. It’s very damaging.”

“We don’t wish that upon anybody and you’ve seen we’ve been actually pretty quiet on the subject because we don’t want to appear to even be looking to be taking advantage of somebody else’s situation like that,” Durkin added. “That’s just not in our DNA.”

Durkin says that a “secure environment” is extremely important for Microsoft’s future efforts and that any competitors being hurt the way Sony was hurt is only bad for consumers that probably also patronize Microsoft’s services. He points out that all of the recent hacking incidents should be a wake up call for people to be more careful with their passwords, and definitely change them from something other than “password.”

Durkin promises that Microsoft is doing everything it can to be “as secure as [it] possibly can be.” Microsoft has been security-minded or lucky enough to avoid hack attacks for now, but that unfortunately could make it something like the impenetrable fortress that the hackers work even harder to bring down.

Source: IndustryGamers

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