
Buy Minecraft, Get More Minecraft


To celebrate his impending wedding, Notch is giving a free copy of Minecraft to anyone who buys Minecraft.

The Escapist takes a fairly dim view of internet memes, so let’s just imagine I made the obligatory “I put Minecraft in your Minecraft” joke and move on. If you purchase a copy of Minecraft this weekend, you will receive a gift code you can give to someone you love and/ore (hoho) hate. Or you could sell it, I guess. You and your loved one (or loyal customer) can then spend your days wandering the wilderness, punching trees, riding pigs and living in perpetual fear, together.

It’s a perfect way to cap off an exciting month for Notch. Not only is he getting married, Minecraft broke 3 million sales this month, selling around 300,000 copies in 30 days, and he announced Minecon, an upcoming Minecraft convention taking place on November the 18th in Las Vegas. Oh, and Bethesda sent him an angry letter claiming that his upcoming game Scrolls infringes on their trademark and people may mistake it for Skyrim. Like I said, exciting.

Source: Notch

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