
Epic Trades Facebook Likes for Gears 3 Characters


This Facebook deal is probably the closest you’re going to get to actually playing Gears of War 3 with Ice-T.

Epic is giving away a free multiplayer character for Gears of War 3: Aaron Griffin – who is voiced by actor and rapper Ice-T – a leader among the dispossessed humans known as the Stranded . All you have to do to claim the free character is head on over to the official Gears of War Facebook page, click the “like” button, get the code, and then enter it when the game comes out next week.

Speaking at E3 earlier in the year, Epic’s design director Cliff Bleszinski described Griffin – who plays a prominent role in the single-player game – as a businessman who had created an empire based around the fictional fuel imulsion, and someone that Delta squad would have to work with during the game. Bleszinski said that he always played as Griffin in the game’s multiplayer as the character’s quips were so entertaining. Of course, Ice-T was standing right next to him when he said it, so it may not be entirely true.

As long as you don’t mind advertising Gears 3 to all your friends and family – which is really the point of the scheme in the first place – the character for clicks transaction isn’t a bad deal. It’s the kind of thing I think we’ll be seeing a lot of in the future, in a variety of different guises.

Gears of War 3 comes out for Xbox 360 on September 20th.

Source: Team Xbox

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