
New Kinect App Adds Arm Wiggles to Bill Pay

It seems someone’s finally producing Kinect content for the hardcore bill-payers, not just the casual ones.

Ever since Microsoft officially released its software developer kit to enterprising programmers worldwide, we’ve seen everything from jiggle-augmented breasts to sword fighting robots. Now, thanks to Etronika, a Lithuania-based technology firm, we can forget about that shamefully dull history and prepare to take our Kinect experience to the eXtreme with … Banking App 1.0!

Banking App 1.0 (admittedly not the actual final title of the software) is an app that will hypothetically be available on the Xbox Live dashboard of whomsoever is fortunate enough to bank with the company that plucks this sort of useless intriguing little gem from Etronika. Based on the simplistic actions of the plucky young girl we see in the demo video, it looks like users will be able to breeze through bill pay, credit card statements, and overdraft fees with just the flick of their wrist (or their hips, elbows, and both of their shoulders).

If you’re someone who just can’t wait to stay on top of your car payment by swinging your arms wildly around the living room, you may need to exercise a little patience. Etronika can’t shop its new gesture-based banking app to the world’s premiere financial institutions until Microsoft releases a commercial version of its SDK. Under the current SDK agreement, companies like Etronika can make anything they want, they just can’t sell it.

The whole system appears very “Minority Report,” and while I’m all in favor of holographic, hand-computing, some uses of the technology just seem … pointless. With smart phones, tablets, computers, and, you know, actual banks littering the roadways, I just can’t think of a time I’d sit down at my Xbox and think, “You know, this is the perfect moment to catch up on my student loans.”


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