
The Missing Link DLC Dated and Priced


The price and release date for The Missing Link, the upcoming DLC for Deus Ex: Human Revolution, have finally been announced

Because I need to pad this post with a little more than just “October 18, 1200 Microsoft points or $14.99,” here’s a little background on The Missing Link for those of you who haven’t been paying attention. Long story short – in part because I haven’t finished the game yet, so I’m desperately trying to avoid spoilers – Adam Jensen, our augmented hero, falls into the clutches of Belltower, a private military corporation with which he has what you might call a rocky relationship. Now he has to bust loose, find the truth and make his way to sweet, sweet freedom, baby!

It’s not the most detailed synopsis ever but as the recently-released gameplay video shows, we can expect lots of head-busting, bullet-flying action as Jensen dispatches dozens of Belltower scumbags. We can also look forward to a boss fight that doesn’t suck, according to producer Marc-Andre Dufort, who said that the final boss battle can be resolved with a non-lethal takedown or even a long-distance stealth kill.

The fun begins on October 18 – did I already mention that? – except for European PS3 owners, who for some reason have to wait until October 19, and will cost 1200 Microsoft points or $14.99 on PlayStation 3 and Steam.

Source: Twitter

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