
Xbox 360 Dashboard Update Delayed


Did you wake up today, eager to explore the new Xbox 360 Dashboard? Too bad. It’s been delayed.

Like many of you, I too fired up my Microsoft-branded console, only to be met with disappointment on seeing the drab Dashboard that we’ve all come to know and love over the past year. That Update that the company has been promising us for the past month? The one that we covered in intense detail (twice) just yesterday? It seems to have hit some unexpected snags.

Originally scheduled for deployment at 7AM PST, the Update is still nowhere to be found. Xbox 360 PR guru Larry “Major Nelson” Hryb has been diplomatically doling out word on the situation via Twitter for the last four hours, but either he loves playing coy or his corporate taskmasters simply won’t allow him to appraise us of the full situation.

Have a look:

FYI: The timing for Xbox 360 dashboard update has been slightly delayed. I’ll have a status update later today

That tweet came at 6AM PST. Two hours later it was followed by:

I’ll share additional details when I have more to share. Until then, thanks for you patience.

Most recently Hryb wrote:

We are still working to get the release out. Stay tuned, we’ll have an update this afternoon (PT) on when it will begin rolling out.

That was around 9:30AM PST.

So, what do we know? Absolutely nothing. The Dashboard Update has been delayed indefinitely, but at least in theory, should be appearing later today once the bugs have been ironed out. If you want up-to-the minute gladhanding on the situation, I’d recommend following Major Nelson’s Twitter feed. What it lacks in solid details, it more than makes up for in accessible geniality.

(And apparently, in-jokes about LBJ-era sitcoms. Did you realize his name was an I Dream Of Jeannie reference? Neither did I! Mind: blown.)

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Serious Sam 3 Post-Mortem

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