
Promo Offers 300 Free Microsoft Points for Using Your Xbox 360


Microsoft’s official “Triple Play” initiative will reward gamers who explore its console’s lesser-used functions in April.

A new Xbox promotion is promising players 300 free Microsoft Points to “game,” “be entertained,” and “be social.” To cash in, gamers will need to do one activity associated with each of these categories during the month of April, ranging from spending some previously held points on virtual swag to spending a few hours of free time on an Xbox App.

Here are the three “plays” from the promotion.

Game On (choose one):
? Play a Kinect game for two hours
? Play online via Xbox Live for 10 hours
? Spend 800 Points or more on game-related items (Games on Demand, DLC, XBLA, etc.)

Be Entertained (choose one):
? Spend 400 Points or more on any film or TV content
? Use one of the following apps for 10 hours: BBC iPlayer, blinkbox, Crackle, Last.FM, LOVEFiLM, MUZU, Netflix, Sky, VEVO or Zune

Be Social (choose one):
? Use Facebook on Xbox Live for one hour
? Use YouTube on Xbox Live for one hour
? Use Video Kinect on Xbox Live for one hour

The program has launched as part of Microsoft’s Xbox Live Rewards Program, which gives gamers free points for doing things like signing up for Netflix or giving the development team your feedback. If you haven’t joined, it’s free, and you can get started on Microsoft’s website. The sign up process usually takes about three days though, so plan accordingly if you want to finish earning your 300 points by month’s end.

There are some fun combinations out there to help earn you the points but, personally, I would reccomnded the following path for maximum awesomeness: First, purchase four sets of Horse Armor DLC for Oblivion. Next, watch Bernardo Bertolucci’s 1900 on Netflix twice. Then, conclude your day with a hour of this on the YouTube.

Or, I guess you could just buy 400 MS Points yourself for $5.00. Up to you.


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