
Iranian Steam Shooter Sets Sights on Pirates

Iranian game studio brings its own shooter to the West.

A new shooter is to debut on Steam – no word as to when, but initial intel has it as Autumn 2012 – with a decidedly different point of view. Yes, there will be iron-sights aiming, and yes, there will be dudes and the blowing away of same. However, the plot is almost sane this time out, as you’ll be tracking down Somali pirates, not nuke-happy loons bent on world domination. Also, you’ll be an Iranian Marine, which means most of your kit will be Chinese or North Korean design, not the ultra-future-shiny tech you may have become used to. The trailer’s pretty similar to many another shooter out there; it’s just not from the usual source.

The studio, Amytis Games, told Eurogamer that the player will control a Marine patrolling in the Gulf of Aden, who gets caught up in a mission to rescue captured comrades from the Somalis. The Gulf, also known as Pirate Alley, is one of the world’s major waterways, and is a vital route for Persian Gulf oil. So the plot is pretty much ripped-from-the-headlines material, but with a slight Bond twist, as you have to seek out and destroy the pirate boss, a man known only as Sawfish.

There’s no word yet on how much localization will take place. It may well be that, unless you understand the language, you won’t have a clue what’s going on. There’s also supposed to be multiplayer, but again, no information as to how that will be implemented. Still, it’s interesting to see the shooter style reinterpreted for a market other than Western.

And no, to forestall the obvious question, I don’t know what the Persian for Soap is.

Sources: Eurogamer, Amytis Games

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