
Check Out the Escapist Expo’s Official Panel Lineup


Come see Yahtzee, MovieBob, and Jim Sterling all forced to play nice at Expo.

The Escapist Expo’s official panel schedule is now online! You can find our full lineup on the official Expo page – as well as check out the attending panelists – but here are a few highlights from the upcoming event:

Hour of Love

Panelists: Yahtzee Croshaw, Jim Sterling, Bob Chipman, Chris Pranger, Mark J Kline

Hour of Love sets out to answer one important question: What if some of your favorite gaming critics were all put in one room and only allowed to say nice things for an entire hour? Dr. Mark Kline moderates as The Escapist contributors must all swallow their bile and think about nothing but rainbows instead.

My Favorite Game

Panelists: Janelle Bonanno, Yahtzee Croshaw, Cory Rydell, Gavin Dunne, Graham Stark, Jim Sterling

Everyone has that one game that they put on a pedestal. The one game that you measure all other games against. The Escapist contributors talk about their favorite games and why they will always compare new titles to the one game that provided the perfect mix of character, story, and skill challenge.

Songwriting with Miracle of Sound

Panelists: Gavin Dunne, Susan Arendt

Writing a hit song is a real science, especially when each piece is an homage to a favorite game or movie. Gavin has spent years writing songs under the moniker Miracle of Sound and he will pass on his extensive knowledge along in this panel. Maybe he’ll even break out his guitar and sing a few of his favorites. He takes requests!

All panels will be first-come, first-seated, but many of our other events, including D&D, game tournaments, and Magic: The Gathering competitions require registration. If you’re joining us for Expo, make sure to visit our sign-up page, and reserve a spot for what you’d like to participate in.

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