
Printable Gunmaker About to Test in Texas


The Wiki Weapon gunmaker claims it has almost all it needs, bar one permit, to start printing off pistols.

Last time Defense Distributed popped up on the radar, it was in connection with its 3D Printer, which manufacturer Stratasys had yanked from Defense Distributed as soon as it realized that the so-called Wiki Weapon gunmaker actually intended to carry through its plan to print off prototype pistols. Defense Distributed has overcome that hurdle, and now intends to complete its project in Texas.

Two Texas companies loaned Defense Distributed the technology it needed to finish its prototype and, in order to make sure the legalities were dealt with, the gunmaker applied for, and expects to be granted, a federal firearms license. Barring accidents, the prototype pistols should be in production and ready for testing before Christmas.

Cody Wilson, Defense Distributor’s founder, claims that the project is all about individualism. “I’m really not some guy that’s just trying to get everybody to print out a bunch of guns and roll out,” said Wilson in an interview with Animal New York. “This is simply about, hey, look at your printable future.”

The WikiWep blog further outlines the intent of the project, as part of a resistance against the established order. The blog post discusses a patent granted to the Invention Science Fund, intended to prevent printers from carrying out instructions unless the appropriate authorization code was attached to the CAD plan, essentially creating DRM for 3D printers. Said the blog post:

These patent hoarders and manufacturers believe they can fence you in through force of law. And when patents like FDM finally approach expiration, the praetorians of the old order will ensure their monopolies are enshrined for another lifetime. Their friends in government will help them.

Not a moment to lose.

Defense Distributed has applied to become a nonprofit organization, with the stated goal of “charitable public interest publishing.” In other words, it intends to eventually distribute printable gun schematics free of charge.

Source: Guardian

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