
PlayStation 4 Video Reveal: Come See The Elephant

All 39 seconds of it.

Many things have been said about the PlayStation 4, and many things teased, but few reveals have been more exiting than these 39 seconds of pure wonder! Ladies and gentlemen, what I have here before you is not for the tender hearts, nor the weak of spirit! Only watch this if you’re the soul of daring, hardened in mind and body, veteran of many a shock and shatter! Afterwards, feel free to have a cup of tea.

Now that you’ve seen the elephant, remember that teasers aren’t necessarily the most revealing of creatures. “Make sure you are the first to see it first,” as the YouTube blurb puts it, but if you want to be that lucky you’ll need to get to E3.

Black, no sugar, thank you; some honey, if you have it.

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