
Game of Thrones Rap Sums Up Australia’s 2013 Election

Guest starring the actual Julian Assange as Julian Assange, belting out his own rendition of John Farnham’s You’re The Voice.

Politics is boring. You know what isn’t boring? Game of Thrones and rapping. The over at Juice Rap News have put two and two together, and provided a summary of the 2013 Australian Election in the form of a Game of Thrones-styled rap. The video sums up the policies of our three major players, Kevin Rudd (KRUDD), Julia Gillard (The Red Woman) and Tony Abbott (Mr. Sex Appeal), with plenty of Game of Thrones references peppered throughout.

If that doesn’t sound insane enough, the video guest stars the actual Julian Assange (who is running for senate candidacy in this year’s election) as he belts out his message in the form of a rendition of John Farnham’s classic rock anthem: You’re the Voice.

I have to give the video credit for not being overly biased either way, both the Liberal and the Labor party are fairly represented… with equal amounts of stupidity. Anyone who’s been following Australian politics will laugh out loud at the absurd parodies of equally absurd policies.

But the real shining star of this video is Assange himself. Foreign correspondent “Ken Oathcarn” travels to the Ecuadorian embassy in London to hear the founder of Wikileak’s vision for the Australian people. Ken even helps Assange out, by giving him a “mullet-makeover” that should appeal more to the Australian public.

I’m dying here. This is why we have the internet. This may be the single best YouTube video I’ve watched all year.

Source: Juice Rap News via Kotaku Australia

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