
Tokyo Game Show in Pictures Part 1: Business Days

Have a gander at the most beautiful, interesting, and downright weird sights from the TGS show floor.

Tokyo Game Show is a four-day event that is split into two parts: two industry-only “business days” and two open-to-all “public days.” The business days are all serious-like, and aren’t open to cosplay from the general public. But it doesn’t stop corporations from hiring some gorgeous pieces of eye-candy to put in appealing costumes, though, and when you pair it with some elaborate PR displays, and sprinkle in Japan’s penchant for the bizarre, it means that despite the lack of cosplay, there were still plenty of beautiful, interesting, and downright weird sights during the show’s business days.


First up, a nice establishing shot of the show floor.



Zenimax was dominating the outdoor advertising space for the show.



Despite poor sales in Japan, Microsoft was at TGS 2013 in full-force, with a huge lineup of Xbox One and 360 games.



And Sony, of course, had a very strong showing of its own upcoming console.



The PS Vita TV was Sony’s big focus for the show, featuring extensively in its keynote presentation.



On to the booth ba- err, I mean, “trade show models.” Here’s Robin from One Piece at the Namco-Bandai booth.



Robin was sometimes switched out for a “realistically proportioned” Nami (fans of the anime will know what I’m talking about).



A Titan from my best-of-show: Titanfall, gripping a cute Japanese girl.



EA actually had 36 PS4 consoles set up to give players the full Battlefield 4 experience.



EA were so insecure about having a male model, they threw a girl in there too, despite the fact that you can’t play as a woman in Battlefield 4!



“The guys at EA have a Humvee? Cute.”



These girls seem like every other trade show model at the show…



Until you realize that there are like a dozen of them, and they all belong to that one tiny booth. They literally all crowd around anyone who plays the game and shout encouragement at them.



Hatsune Miku is a very popular Japanese character these days, and her presence at the show ranged from a Hatsune Miku-themed smartphone…



To a Hatsune Miku Domino’s pizza collaboration. Only in Japan!



This gorgeous geisha girl was promoting the new Yakuza game.



While other booths were giving out t-shirts and posters, AMD took things a step further by giving out mother-flipping capes to anyone who completed its survey.



This booth featured the very creepy “Brain Kiss“, a kind of love-tester game that uses your brainwaves to see how good of a match you are with any given person.



Not too sure what game this guy is from, but he was all too eager to pose for a photo. Thanks, sort-of-Megaman-style guy!



This booth featured a “hot eye cover” which is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a cover that you put over you eyes which makes them hot, and is apparently very relaxing. I passed on this one, judging by the expressions of some of the participants…



These two fine gentlemen were posing for a title in the “Romance Simulation Game” section of the show. Yes, you read that right, Tokyo Game Show has a dedicated section for romance simulation games.



This vending machine was selling “Hacker Glasses”, which apparently reduce the glare of a PC monitor to make you a better hacker.



Something to do with God Eater 2.



Another God Eater 2 girl.



Sengoku Basara‘s Date Masamune, who is based off a real hero from Japan’s Edo era.



A PC game, at a Japanese gaming show?!?!?




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Lionhead Doesn’t Want To Sip Microsoft’s Kool-Aid

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