
Rhode Island Senator Pushes For Independent 38 Studios Inquiry

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A Rhode Island Senator has put forth legislation calling for an independent commission to investigate the failure of Kingdoms of Amalur developer 38 Studios, which left the state on the hook for 100 million bucks.

The collapse of Curt Schilling’s 38 Studios and subsequent widespread financial misery it inflicted is well- documented, but not sufficiently well-investigated for Rhode Island State Senator Dawson Hodgson. The senator pre-filed a motion to establish an independent commission that would investigate its collapse and the role that state agencies may have played in it.

The House Oversight Committee is already investigating the matter but Hodgson, who is reportedly considering a run for attorney general of the state in 2014, said in a letter sent to legislators that he believes “the response of our government has been wholly insufficient to the task of delivering answers, accountability, and leadership in the wake of this massive destruction of public resources.”

“Working together, the General Assembly can and must deliver an introspective examination of the 38 Studios affair capable of restoring the public’s confidence in our institution to lead this state,” the letter states.

38 Studios was originally established in Maynard, Massachusetts, near the city of Boston, but was drawn to Rhode Island in 2010 by the promise of $75 million in loan guarantees. But it sank into insolvency less than two years later, laying off its entire staff in May 2012 and declaring bankruptcy in June.

Source: Rhode Island Public Radio

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