
Fallout 4 Teaser Sites Broadcasts Ominous New Message

Fallout 4 countdown

The teaser site at is sporting a few changes, including a new message in morse code. went live earlier this month with a familiar symbol, a brief morse code broadcast and, a little later, a countdown timer. The assumption was, and is, that it’s a Fallout 4 teaser site, but as always there’s a question of its legitimacy. The domain registration seemed a little bit hinky and you may recall the “Alien Noire” countdown from earlier this year that teased a Prey 2 reveal but turned out to be an elaborate fan site.

Legit or not, the countdown is ticking away, and the site has seen some changes over the past few days. The main clock is now accompanied by a separate countdown and message warning that “Nuclear winter is coming” (and yes, you may feel free to make Game of Thrones jokes in the comments) and the morse code message has changed as well. It now says, “OZ De SZ Msg + EF Is Hit II EF Is Hit K,” over and over, which doesn’t make a lot of sense on its face but nonetheless bears a certain ominous quality.

At first I thought EF might be Echo Foxtrot, a location from Fallout 3, but it seemed too small and obscure to warrant a mention in any kind of broadcast. In the ongoing “The Survivor 2299 Speculation and Hype Megathread” on Reddit, they posit that OZ, SZ and EF represent other locations and that the message thus translates into, “Bridgeport this is Concord – Quabbin is hit – repeat – Quabbin is hit.” All three locations are in the New England area of the U.S., which corresponds to the Commonwealth region in the Fallout universe and dovetails nicely with the non-U.S. date format of the original coded message.

There’s still no confirmation that this is an actual Fallout 4 teaser site but as one Reddit commenter put it, if it is a hoax, whoever’s behind it is a genius. The Survivor 2299 countdown timer will hit zero on December 11 – perhaps not coincidentally, the same day as the Spike VGX Awards – but the warning of nuclear winter says it will arrive ten days earlier, on the afternoon of December 1. Might be something worth keeping an eye on.

Source: The Survivor 2299

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