
Gaming For Good Raises More Than $10 Million for Needy Children

The charity, started by celebrity gamer Bachir “Athene” Boumaaza, allows supporters to redeem PC games after donating to the Save the Children fund.

Professional video game player and YouTube streamer Bachir “Athene” Boumaaza has helped raise more than $10 million in donations through his Gaming For Good program, which will help the Save the Children program provide for the needy in Ethiopia and Guinea. As of this writing, the total stands at $10,102,954. With each donation to Save The Children’s PayPal account, users are given a number of points which they can then redeem for PC games available at

Numerous developers donated games for the fundraiser, mainly indie titles such as Papers, Please, Rogue Legacy and Gone Home. There are also a few releases from larger studios thrown in as well, such as Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The donation drive is still going on as of this writing.

In Ethiopia, Save The Children is working to reduce malnutrition-related deaths in women and young children through community-based interventions and providing agricultural tools, livestock and agriculture training. In Guinea, Save The Children is providing health education, services and training across 133 villages, with an estimated population of 296,800, in the country’s Mandiana region.

Source: Gaming For Good via Kotaku, Save The Children

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