
PlayStation 4 Outsells Xbox One By Two to One On eBay

Analyst Colin Sebastian estimates that eBay sales of the PlayStation 4 are handily outdistancing the Xbox One.

The holidays are here, and an awful lot of people who didn’t bother preordering either the Xbox One or the PlayStation 4 have been forced to turn to the warm embrace of eBay to score those most important of next-gen gifts. Baird Research senior analyst Colin Sebastian estimates that nearly 100,000 consoles have been sold through the online auctioneer, roughly two-thirds of which have been PS4s.

“Looks like around 65k PS4s and 33k Xbox One’s have sold on to-date,” Sebastian tweeted earlier today.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that the PlayStation is in that much more demand, however, as Xbox One systems have generally been much easier to acquire through regular retail channels than the PS4, which has been in painfully short supply. That could also explain why PlayStation 4 consoles appear to be listing, on average, at considerably higher prices than the Xbox One despite having a lower regular retail price.

Whatever the reason, there’s no need to feel too badly for either Sony or Microsoft about lost sales: As VentureBeat notes, nearly all of the consoles currently listed on eBay were likely purchased from retailers by individual consumers looking to resell them.

Source: Twitter

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