
Microsoft Denies $399 Disc-Less Xbox One

Microsoft’s Aaron Greenberg has officially denied rumors of a $399 Xbox One with no disc drive.

Microsoft’s Aaron Greenberg has officially come out and denied the rumor that a $399 disc-less Xbox One is in development for release this year, stating in a response to a question about the console’s existence, “No, you cannot believe everything you read on the internet…”

Earlier this month, during a massive spill of Xbox One details, the $399 Xbox One with no disc drive, as well as a limited edition Titanfall console were among the juiciest leaks. The accompanying images made the leak seem pretty legit, and a senior publishing source later confirmed the rumor.

But now Greenberg, Chief of Staff for Devices and Studios Group at Microsoft, has firmly squashed that rumor. While it may still be true that Microsoft was working on such a console, it looks like we won’t be seeing it, at least for a while.

Industry analyst Michael Pachter said that a cheaper Xbox One with no disc-drive would be “Dumb, dumb, dumb,” when commenting on the rumor, and so it seems Microsoft has come to the same conclusion.

How about you guys? Would you buy a cheaper Xbox One if it didn’t have a disc drive? I live in Japan, and thus have amazingly fast internet, so I would jump on a deal like this, but it does seem like it would only appeal to a very specific market.

Source: Twitter

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