
Princess in Another Castle Looks to Crowdfunding to Finish Filming

Filmmaker Kennedy Baruch hopes to raise $10,000 to finish filming of video game influenced film Princess in Another Castle.

Earlier this year, filmmaker Kennedy Baruch revealed plans to turn his Zelda-influenced short and YouTube hit Escape into a feature-length film entitled Princess in Another Castle. The movie, like the short, will follow a young girl who uses video games to escape from bullying and family issues. Now, Baruch has announced the start of an IndieGoGo campaign to help raise funds to finish the filming.

According the fundraiser’s page, the campaign aims to raise $10,000 and is being launched in part to help speed along the film’s production before its young leads McKoy Musser and Ilie Sturnham begin “to look significantly older” than they did at the beginning of shooting. The money will also cover the costs of renting the film’s final two shooting locations, completing the 1996 look of the main character’s house, hiring a professional sound mixer and paying festival fees so that the finished product can be showcased “in festivals (and theaters) around the world.”

If the campaign reaches a $25,000 stretch goal it will use the additional funds to hire live musicians for the score, professional animators to improve the quality of planned animated sequences and add professional color correction to the film. If the campaign raises enough to meet an additional $90,000 stretch goal it will be able to use a higher quality camera as well as better light and sound equipment. It would also allow Baruch and company to correct some of the compromises made necessary by the project’s small budget, including the shooting of additional scenes that had to be excised from the current version. Put shortly, if you were one of the many people impressed by Baruch’s work in Escape, you may want to consider lending him the helping hand he needs to wrap things up with Princess in Another Castle.

Source: IndieGoGo

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