
Friday Fan Art Round-Up for May 9th, 2014

The Legend of Zelda, Metal Gear Rising, Star Wars and The Last of Us all make appearances in the debut edition of the Friday Fan Art Round-Up!

The world is nothing if not rife with superfans willing to devote hours upon hours to pay tribute to the things they love. And while for some fans this can mean dressing up in a costume or even putting together a nifty short film, for many more however this means creating images, sculptures, and other works of art to show the world their love. While our efforts to point you toward the coolest custom action figures and most gigantic LEGO builds are tireless, there are sadly some works that get lost in the shuffle. With in mind, please enjoy our Friday Fan Art Round-Up where we shed a little light on a few random pieces of awesome we stumbled over during the week.

Vader Wood

Darth Vader Samurai Woodcut
There was a time when I would happily slap any ugly ass poster on my wall so long as it met the criteria of including something nerdy. As I’ve grown older however, I’ve become a bit more discerning in my tastes. Where once my wall could have been an advertisement for the poster bin at Wal-Mart, I’ve tried to become a tad more subtle with my efforts to deck out my home nerd ware. Woodcut Emporium’s woodcut rendition of a feudal Japan Darth Vader in turn, is something I’d gladly hang above my desk. Which I might actually do if I can find 30 pounds sterling to spare.

Reglas de la Naturaleza

Raiden Sombrero

I’ll admit that, at first glance, I rolled my eyes at lonewolfwarrior’s Reglas de la Naturaleza. Raiden facing down a Metal Gear Ray while wearing a sombrero and armed with a guitar? Ridiculous! Then I took a moment and actually thought about all the crazy junk Metal Gear has done over the years (endless poop jokes, skateboarding explosive experts, $40 demos) and realized that this probably wouldn’t even rank among the weirdest things the franchise has pulled over the years. Then, as with all things related to the series, once I learned to embrace its absurdity, I came to love it.

The Last of Us (Not Quite) Sequel Fan Art

Last of Us Art

What do you call it when one of the actual artists for a game creates fan art based on it? The work of artist Marek Okon, this image is supposed to represent his idea for what a potential sequel could entail. Of course, it also helps when you provide a lengthy description to accompany the picture on your Facebook page. “We all heard the stories over the years. Tales of a girl being out there, immune to all this madness. And we knew that those stories were nothing but wishful thinking, fairytales passed along by the campfire. Believing those stories was a good measure of my desperation. I needed to find that girl. You, who followed me on this hopeless journey choose to do so. Some of you paid the ultimate price for that. For my belief… But here we are, we found the girl. We found the hope.”

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past World Map Diorama

Zelda Diorama

One of my deepest darkest secrets is that I’ve never beaten A Link to the Past. It’s a game that I adore and one that I invested dozens of hours in when I was younger, but it’s also one I never actually got around to finishing. I blame it on the N64. How was I supposed to stay focused with those polygonal graphics dazzling me? Any who, my love of A Link to the Past left me little choice but to include this nifty paper-crafted 3D diorama of the game’s world map. Created by Flickr user DoctorHarleyQuinnWho, it’s a work that any fan of the SNES should be able to love and one that I’d personally love to see replicated with other games.

What do you think of these art pieces? Were there any special bits of fan art you encountered this week? Let us know and feel free to share in the comments section!

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