Fury Abilities Exposé Series

Abilities Exposé #2, Includes Exclusive Screenshot

Today we have the second of a weekly series of features from Auran, the developers of Fury. Each week, we’re going to highlight a handful of abilities from the game and show off a new screenshot or two. Unlike most games where players are locked into a class, players in Fury can customize their experience when they take certain abilities they have collected into a match. These abilities come in eight schools and today we highlight the second set of four of over 400 abilities.

Fury Abilities Exposé #2
Courtesy of Auran

Exclusive Screenshot

Exclusive Screenshot

Picking a class in most MMOs is a difficult decision. In choosing a class you effectively make a decision about what role you’d like to play. From this point on you’re left at the discretion of the development team as to how they envision the class’s gameplay, role and balance. Hopefully their vision and balance align with yours. If it doesn’t, it may be time to re-roll or even time for a new game.

Fury breaks the class mold entirely. In Fury, you are able to learn abilities from each of the four schools and eight disciplines. You are then given the freedom to create templates consisting of any of the abilities your avatar has learned. You aren’t tied to the developer’s vision of a ‘tank’, ‘healer’ or ‘hybrid’. You define your own vision, your own path, your own Incarnation.

All abilities in Fury are associated with one of the four schools and eight disciplines. The abilities from each school are focused on one primary element and two secondary elements. The four elements are Water, Nature, Fire, and Air.

The following are a few examples from Fury’s 400+ distinct abilities.

image Name: Soul Smite
Element: Air
School: Life
Discipline: Healer
Charges: Generation
Effects Category: Drain, Distribute
Target Type: Single Enemy
Description: A spiritual attack that steals a decent amount of health from the target and divides it amongst the caster and their nearby teammates.
Tip: If your focus is defense, then you will probably use this ability frequently. If focusing on a more offensive approach, this should be one of your last resorts – right before your health drops too low for comfort.
image Name: Wound
Element: Water
School: Decay
Discipline: Overlord
Charges: Consumption
Effects Category: Damage – debuff/heal
Target Type: Single Enemy
Description: A physical attack that deals moderate Water damage and Curses the target, reducing their maximum health.
Tip: Wound might not cripple the target, but it could give you enough of an advantage to win the fight, depending on which abilities follow it.
image Name: Red Exile
Element: Fire
School: Growth
Discipline: Oracle
Charges: Consumption
Effects Category: Teleport
Target Type: Enemy PBAE Sphere
Description: A ground targeted ability that will cause all nearby enemies to be teleported to a random location close by.
Tip: This ability is an asset when overwhelmed by enemies. It gives you a moment to formulate a strategy, but beware, the more you use it the less effective it becomes so be careful not to use it too early in a fight.
image Name: Courage
Element: Nature
School: Growth
Discipline: Oracle
Charges: Generation
Effects Category: Buff
Target Type: Single Ally
Description: A Blessing that increases the maximum health and defensive ratings of the target.
Tip: This is an excellent buff to use in preparation for a big battle, or simply to have an edge on a single opponent.

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