Developers Corner

AdventureQuest Worlds: Lycan vs Vampire Showdown

AdventureQuest Worlds: The Ultimate Lycan vs Vampire Showdown Rages On!


Arm yourself to the teeth and fangs; it’s an all out WAR! For centuries, the Vampire clan and the Lycan pack have been ruthless rivals, fighting face-to-snout over their rightful Darkovian territory. Join the 14 million Heroes of the MMO AdventureQuest Worlds ( ) and fight with the Lycans or the Vampires-be warned, however: your actions in this war will permanently shape the world of Lore!


A week has passed since this all-out-assault began, and already the Lycans appear to be winning. By a lot. Their feral, unpredictable instincts make them a formidable opponent against the Vampires, slaughtering these blood-sucking humanoids on their home turf. Things are starting to look grim for the Vampiric family… but nothing is set in stone just yet! Whichever side wins the war (maxed out at 100%) will determine the War Boss of Darkovia, rumored to make its horrifying appearance come sundown. This boss battle just might be the deciding factor for which faction wins the war, ultimately changing the fate of Darkovia and Lore as we know it!


Super Rare (and delicious) Choco-Bunny Pet


Who says you can’t play with your food? Well here’s your chance! The highly-anticipated & super-rare Choco-bunny Pet is currently available! But the ONLY way to get your hands on this scrumptious poly-morphing critter is by getting your hands on one of our Upgrade Cards, available in a store near you! The Choco-bunny will be available for a limited time starting this Friday, March 26th, so if you really love chocolate, or if you really love transforming bunny pets, or a combination of both, then there is no better time to get your Artix Entertainment Upgrade Card!

Did you know that every AE game has a special Choco-bunny themed item? If you Upgrade your account in DragonFable, MechQuest, AdventureQuest, or EpicDuel with an Artix Entertainment Upgrade Card, you can get a rare choco-bunny item unique to that game! Head on over to your favorite game’s webpage and check out your just desserts (item). What a sweet deal!

Battle On!
Beleen and the AQW Team

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