Developers Corner

AdventureQuest Worlds: WEREWOLF WEEK!

AdventureQuest Worlds: Were the Wolves Roam


Deep within the Darkovian Forests resides a pack of vicious vampire-hunting mutts known as Werewolves. These humanoid hybrids have been the bitter rivals of the Vampire clan for hundreds of years, making their fabled appearances during Full Moons and Halloween Special Releases. But come sundown, the Werewolf pack will finally have a permanent home within the MMORPG AdventureQuest Worlds ( )!


Last week’s release was dedicated to the Queen of the Vampires, Safiria, and her Vampiric minions (whom did not sparkle, despite popular belief). You assisted Safiria on some Lycan-slaying quests and tried to convince the Queen to stop her everlasting feuding with the slobbering wolves. As stubborn as she is, it’s no surprise that Safiria didn’t heed your advice. But maybe you’ll have better luck at convincing the Werewolf King to see things your way. Just make sure all cat hair is properly removed from your armor before venturing deep within the Lycan Den…


The newest faction in AQW is arriving Friday: Werewolf Reputation! Here’s your chance to build up your Rep with the pack, granting you the permission needed to obtain new Lycan weapons, armors, helms, capes, pets, and more! It would be a dog-gone shame if you fail to enlighten the Werewolf King of Darkovia’s newest threat, the half-wolf-half-vampire Werepyres, before the Chaorrupted Vampiric Knights overtake the wolves’ den.


Some of your fellow players have vowed to join only the Lycan pack-a Vampire’s worst enemy. Who will you side with? The Vampire clan or the Lycan pack? You don’t have to make a decision yet… but in the near future, you just might have to. Talk of a War is brewing just over the horizon… Build up your Rep with your favorite Faction to unlock special items for those of you who prove your worth!

Battle On!
Artix, Beleen, Cysero, and the AQW Team

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