
Aliens Found in Elite: Dangerous

More than two years after its release, players have found aliens in Elite: Dangerous.

Xbox user DP Sayre has uploaded an intriguing video – an encounter with alien life, the hostile, insectoid race The Thargoids, in space combat game Elite: Dangerous, confirming the existence of the long-anticipated aliens. You can check it out in the video below.

The encounter appears to be confirmed by developer Frontier Games in a tweet, which links to a clip of the encounter and reads “A report just coming through that a CMDR has experienced something… strange.”

In 2013, Elite: Dangerous executive producer Michael Brookes wrote on the forums “Thargoids are in the initial release, but only as encounters, we’ll be doing something far more with them in a future release.”

There is currently a thread on Reddit dedicated to compiling contact with the Thargoids, known locations, and discussions about the encounters. We’ll keep an eye on this story, and update with any new developments. Like, if any players actually try to antagonize the Thargoids.

In other Elite: Dangerous news, the game will be making its way to PlayStation 4 in the second quarter of this year, and will include all of the gameplay players have seen in the PC and Xbox One versions of the game, along with every game expansion that’s releases so far, the Elite: Dangerous: Horizons season pass, and PS4-exclusive features, including the ability to use the touchpad controls to navigate the galaxy map, additional hotkey options, and more.

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