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All Leaders in Warcraft Rumble, Ranked from Best to Worst (Tier List)

Image of Horde-based units in Warcraft Rumble.

There are a bunch of awesome and powerful units that can lead your army into battle in Warcraft Rumble. Not all leaders are equal, however, so in this tier list, we’ll be ranking every Warcraft Rumble leader from best to worst.

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All Leaders in Warcraft Rumble, Ranked from Best to Worst

1 – Baron Rivendare

Baron Rivendare is currently loving life at the top of the meta. He’s a pretty decent unit himself, able to tank some damage and deal some respectable single-target damage. What really makes him shine, though, is his unique ability to constantly summon Skeleton minions at towers that you control. This makes him incredibly good at putting pressure on multiple lanes. The more Towers you control further up the map, the more pressure enemies will be under from Skeletons spawning in close by.

If you invest in Baron Rivendare and unlock the talent Chill of the Grave, then you’ll have an even more powerful leader on your hands. This talent turns the regular summoned Skeletons into much stronger Skeleton Mages. The last thing your opponent wants to have to deal with is a whole bunch of Skeleton Mages blasting them from every direction. You really can’t go wrong choosing to invest in Baron Rivendare and building a deck around him.

Related: The Best First Leader in Warcraft Rumble

2 – Rend Blackhand

This dragon-mountedfast-paced Orc leader is perfect for players looking for two-part, fast-paced matches. Rend Blackhand is quick to traverse lanes, thanks to his dragon, and devastates groups of weaker enemies. He’s a two-part unit in that his dragon must first be taken down – if it is, he’ll drop down and continue combat on foot himself. This makes him very durable as a unit, and if you unlock his talent Scale and Steel, then he’s even tougher to deal with as he gains Resistance while flying and Armored while on foot.

Outside of being a good unit himself, Rend Blackhand has a very powerful ability that becomes active while he’s on the field. While alive, Rend reduces the cost of all flying units by one gold. This makes building a flying-focused team around him very powerful, as you’ll be able to get units like Drakes and Harpies out really quickly with a reduced cost. Flying units are all naturally fast-moving, so you can often overwhelm your opponent easily by pouring out flying units while Rend is active.

3 – Tirion Fordring

Tirion is a super tanky leader that can also heal nearby units. With his ability, Holy Light, he can quickly top up a bunch of units around him to easily turn the tides of critical fights. If you use a bunch of other tank and healer units alongside him, he can lead a nearly unstoppable force against opponents.

You’ll want to pick up the talent Divine Shield on him. This will really take his tanking capabilities to the next level as he gains a shield at 30% HP that will protect him from damage for 5 seconds. That’s a pretty large window to get damage and healing done, which makes him very tough to deal with.

4 – Maiev Shadowsong

Maiev is a master assassin, and her play style as a leader really reflects that in Warcraft Rumble. She’s able to be fully stealthed until she attacks or is damaged by something like a spell. This makes her a real pain for enemy players to deal with, as she can make her way straight through to attack key objectives. Her ability is nice, too, as it reduces the gold cost of Maiev Shadowsong each time you play an Unbound unit. An Unbound unit is any unit in Warcraft Rumble that can be placed around the map without restriction, like the SAFE Pilot.

This makes for some great synergy as you can drop a couple of Unbound units and then quickly play Maiev afterward to mount an attack anywhere very quickly that will be hard for your opponent to react to. On top of this, Maiev can unlock the talent Remorseless, which lets her deal double damage for two seconds after killing a unit. With her already high base damage, she can put up some real numbers.

5 – Cairne Bloodhoof

Warcraft Rumble

Cairne Bloodhoof is a big tanky Tauren Chieftain leader unit. He has very high HP and specializes in taking down multiple units with AOE totem swings. His ability, Earthen Might, increases Horde troops’ HP by 20%. This makes building a Horde-themed deck around him crucial to get the most out of this ability. There are some amazing units that really benefit from the health boost, like the Frost Wolf Shaman and Warsong Rider. With the extra HP, these kinds of units will stay in the fight longer and often outlast the enemy units.

Cairne himself is a strong unit in Warcraft Rumble that can lead the charge down a lane. He’s tough for enemy players to deal with, especially if you unlock the talent Reincarnation on him. With this talent, he will be able to revive himself at 50% HP once per life. If he then receives healing from a unit like the Frost Wolf Shaman, then enemies basically have to kill him twice each life.

6 – Grommash Hellscream

Grommash is the big Orc Horde boss, and he’s not here to mess around. He’s tanky and deals some great damage, too. He has the Bloodlust trait, which means he moves and attacks 33% faster. His leader ability For the Horde! grants all nearby units the Bloodlust trait as well. This means if you can deploy a bunch of units alongside Grommash, you’ll have a whole bunch of fast-moving and attacking units tearing up a lane.

If you unlock the trait Savage Strikes, it makes Grommash even better, as he’ll start dealing double damage to any enemy units below 50% HP. This dramatically increases the number of battles that Grommash can win himself. If you build units to support him and keep him protected, you can get some serious damage done with this leader.

7 – Old Murk Eye

Warcraft Rumble

Who doesn’t love a good Murloc? Old Murk Eye is a great Murloc leader who’s a fast and powerful ranged unit on the battlefield. He has a really cool ability called March of the Murlocs that summons a Murloc Tidehunter for each gold spent on other minis during a five-second window after he deploys. This means if you save up 10 gold and then spend four on Old Murk Eye to bring him out, you can still summon a handful of one-two cost minis. This will give you two or three bonus Murloc Tidehunters to bolster your ranks.

If you invest a bit into Old Murk Eye and can get a talent, you should take Marathon of the Murlocs, which doubles the amount of time after summoning Old Murk Eye that you can create Murloc Tidehunters when spending gold on other minis. With this, you’ll have a big army rolling out in one go!

8 – Hogger

Warcraft Rumble

Hogger is a Gnoll Brute leader who is a quick and tanky leader unit. He’s got some great AOE swinging around his club and has a unique ability that stacks every time he’s summoned. The Relentless ability means he’ll gain a 35% increase to his movement speed and attack speed each time he’s summoned.

Unlock his talent, Ham Hock, in Warcraft Rumble, and he’ll also gain 10% increased HP each time he’s summoned. This means that after a few deaths, Hogger will become an absolute beast of a unit and able to take on almost any challenge himself.

9 – Sneed

Sneed is a tanky Goblin unit that operates a walking mech. He has a ton of armor, which reduces physical damage, and he also deals double the damage to towers, thanks to his Siege Damage trait.

His ability revolves around this trait, and when Sneed or another unit with the Siege Damage trait destroys a tower, breaks open a chest, or captures a meeting stone, he generates two gold. If you unlock the talent Lead with Greed, you’ll be able to double this effect up to four gold! That’ll really help you get tons of extra units out.

10 – Sylvanas Windrunner

Warcraft Rumble

Sylvanas is the current event reward for participating in the PVP season. This iconic Undead Banshee leader is a strong ranged unit who can deal some chunky damage with her bow. When she dies, she summons a Banshee unit to take her place.

Her ability isn’t the most powerful – she simply grants a 30% increase in movement speed to nearby allies. But it’s useful for making a big push down a lane if you can summon a few other units alongside her in one go. Her talent, Black Arrow, is very good, though, as it allows her to piece enemies with her bow shots in a line, dealing extra elemental damage. That is a big damage boost.

11 – General Drakkisath

Warcraft Rumble

This Draconic General is a strong leader and is themed around elemental damage. He’s tanky, deals extra elemental damage with his attacks, and also resists enemy elemental damage with a 50% reduction.

Building a bunch of elemental damage-dealing minis to accompany him is an excellent strategy for this leader, as his ability makes nearby enemy units take 50% more elemental damage. With the Chromatic Scales talent he’ll also empower nearby allies to be able to resist 50% of elemental damage like he can. A great leader to build around with elemental minis.

12 – Jaina Proudmoore

Warcraft Rumble

Jaina is a strong, ranged spell caster leader who can wreck havoc on armored units and cause headaches with her frost damage slowing down enemies units. Her ability, Arcane Brilliance, allows her to increase the level of spells by three levels while Jaina is on the field.

This can make your spells a heck of a lot more powerful and cost-effective in Warcraft Rumble. They’ll deal more damage and have more chance of helping you control the lanes. Unlocking the talent Clear Casting lowers the cost of spells by one gold if played right after Jaina. It’s a great way to get off some quick, cheap spell casts.

13 – Bloodmage Thalnos

Warcraft Rumble

Bloodmage Thalnos is an interesting leader. He’s actually really strong, but only if played with one very specific style of deck, which is why he’s low on the list. The way to play him is to make use of his ability, Dark Ritual, by running a bunch of cheap spells in your deck. This will allow you to quickly stack up Bloodmage Thalnos’s level, which can go all the way up to 30.

You’ll lose out on the levels added if he dies, so you’ll want to play a tanky unit in front of him and a healer behind. This will buy you time to keep him alive while you earn gold to cast spells and jack up his level. If pulled off, he can get to the point where your opponent simply can’t deal with him, and he’ll win you the match. If he does die, you’ll really be at a disadvantage, which makes this a risky leader to play around with.

14 – Charlga Razorflank

Warcraft Rumble

Last up, we have Charlga Razorflank, who is in need of a buff as a leader. She is incredibly weak as a leader unit and will die to a couple of hits, which isn’t great. On the plus side, she can deal a good amount of damage to tanky units, thanks to her trait dealing a percentage of the targets HP in damage. The problem is keeping her alive long enough to do that.

Charlga’s ability, Spirit Tangle, makes all minis in your hand cost the same amount of gold. This can actually be a bit of a tricky mechanic to build around correctly. If you get her talent Cavernous Mists to reduce the gold cost of units by one, it can help balance things out better.

That covers all 14 leaders currently available to play in Warcraft Rumble. There are plenty of great leaders to try out and build around – some are just a little better than others at this stage of the game.

About the author

Alex Berry
Alex Berry is a freelance contributor at The Escapist. His coverage ranges from funny takes on the latest games to a whole bunch of guide content. Alex is a jack of all trades when it comes to games, playing almost every new title that shows promise. From RPGs to shooters, all the way through to sports games, he plays it all, although he does have a soft spot for turn-based RPGs having started out his gaming journey with a copy of Pokémon Red on the original Game Boy. Alex has a master's degree in Business and is fascinated by online game economies, often spending a lot of time finding ways to maximize wealth in these games (but he should really be doing that in real life instead).
Alex Berry
Alex Berry is a freelance contributor at The Escapist. His coverage ranges from funny takes on the latest games to a whole bunch of guide content. Alex is a jack of all trades when it comes to games, playing almost every new title that shows promise. From RPGs to shooters, all the way through to sports games, he plays it all, although he does have a soft spot for turn-based RPGs having started out his gaming journey with a copy of Pokémon Red on the original Game Boy. Alex has a master's degree in Business and is fascinated by online game economies, often spending a lot of time finding ways to maximize wealth in these games (but he should really be doing that in real life instead).

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