Video Games

All Starting Items in Lords of the Fallen

A knight holding their sword in Lords of the Fallen

When you jump into Lords of the Fallen, the first big choice you’ll need to make is your class. It’ll be the determining factor for all your stats and equipment throughout the game, not to mention your playstyle. Yet a smaller, slightly less impactful but just as significant factor is the item your characters start with. In the early stages of the game, these can make a world of difference so I cobbled together a guide on all the starting items in Lords of the Fallen to help you make an informed decision when it comes to choosing a class.

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What Are Starting Items in Lords of the Fallen?

The Soulslike genre has become known for introducing oddly named items that simply require players to experiment in order to understand what they do exactly. This can lead to fun moments of discovery but sometimes, you just want to know what your options are before committing, right? This guide won’t be discussing starting equipment like the armor and weapons a class begins with but the random pieces of kit you’ll find in your inventory when you start up Lords of the Fallen. Fortunately, CI Games’ latest action RPG doesn’t feature any starting items that can fundamentally alter the game like Dark Souls. They serve more as a small advantage in the game’s early tutorial-esque stage while also providing some insight into how the inventory and quick-select menus work.

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Before breaking these starting items up by class, it’s worth mentioning that everyone begins with a Sanguinarix, a crucifix-like object that is used to “administer Pieta’s healing blood.” Who exactly is Pieta? No idea, I haven’t played that far yet, but what you need to know is that this item will be your main mode of healing. Everyone starts with a Sanguinarix with three charges that can be refilled whenever they rest at a Vestige, Lords of the Fallen‘s take on bonfires. It should be more than sufficient for the enemies you encounter in the early game but it can also be upgraded further down the line with more charges and more effective healing.

Lords of the Fallen’s Starting Items Based on Class

Right, let’s get down to the brass tax. When choosing your class in Lords of the Fallen, you’re not actually able to read a description of the starting items. You can check out a neat little thumbnail that reveals how it’ll look in your inventory, but without this guide, you’d be left guessing what each one actually does. Here is every class available to choose from in Lords of the Fallen and the item that is unique to them:

  • Hallowed Knight: Your standard heavy-hitter choice starts with a Briostone Pair that effectively serves as a different way to recover your HP. Instead of the instant heal afforded by the Sanguinarix, this item gradually heals over time. Useful for players who want to improve their longevity between Vestiges but since you only have three Briostone Pairs in your inventory, it’s easy to run out.
  • Udirangr Warwolf: Your standard dexterity build, the Warwold begins with TWP Minor Fire Salts as their starting item. Use one of these bad boys to add fire damage to your equipped weapon. Not all that necessary in the early stages of Lords of the Fallen and the fire effect doesn’t last all that long but it certainly looks cool.
  • Partisan: If you’re more concerned about your stamina running low in the middle of a vicious battle, then these Unripe Berries will do you some good. The Partisan begins with three of these underdeveloped fruits which, when consumed, will boost stamina regeneration for a short period of time. Great for the first couple of boss fights!
  • Mournstead Infantry: Just like the Hallowed Knight, this class also begins with a Briostone Pair that heals over time. This one is slightly less appealing since the Mournstead only starts with a single Briostone Pair, making it even less efficient when it comes to HP recovery.

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  • Blackfeather Ranger: Given that this long-ranged class is all about archery and crossbows, it makes sense that their starting items would be two Ammunition Pouches. Using this obviously grants you more missiles to launch at your foes. While the item description does specify that it provides “assorted ammunition” I only ever got the standard arrows from it.
  • Exiled Stalker: Your classic sneaky rogue class, this particular warrior begins with three Poison Salts which are pretty self-explanatory in their execution. Use one of these to add poison damage to your weapons and watch as your opponent’s health is slowly consumed.
  • Orian Preacher: The first true magic-user in Lords of the Fallen, this class comes with three Small Manastone Clusters. Since you’ll need mana to cast your spells, you can use these items to recover a small amount of magic juice over a period of time. It’s just like the Briostone Pair but for mana!
  • Pyric Cultist: The same as the Orian Preacher! Since this class is all about fire spells, starting with three Small Moonstone Clusters means you can recharge your mana when you need a top-up.
  • Condemned: Effectively Lords of the Fallen‘s hard mode, the Condemned has no starting item to make the game easier. You still have the Sanguinarix but actual items? Forget about those, you’ll scrape together what you need from the bodies of your enemies.

Those are all the starting items you can expect to find in Lords of the Fallen. As mentioned above, none are especially game-changing but they are a nice little present from the developer to make the opening hours of the game just a little more pleasant. It’s difficult to say which items are the best to choose considering they’ve been paired with specific classes for a reason. The Unripe Berries are arguably the best choice given how stamina management is such a core part of Lords of the Fallen‘s combat. Who needs the healing abilities of Briostone Pairs when you never get hit, you know? Just don’t let the starting items heavily influence your class choice, they’re really not significant enough to warrant that kind of decision-altering power.

If you’re looking for more on the game, check out the best early game areas for farming vigor to level up in Lords of the Fallen.

About the author

Brad Lang
Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.
    Brad Lang
    Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.

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