Anime Reviews

Anime: Starship Operators, Volume 03: Truth

Anime: Starship Operators, Volume 03: Truth


The final volume in this series is packed with episodes, surprise turns, and a dramatic conclusion. While there are very brief and vaguely pointless forays into romance, most of the action is oriented on leading this series on a fast and steady pace towards being wrapped up.

9 – Turning Point
The Amaterasu’s location is revealed from the dangerous warp it performed to escape their last battle, and the crew takes a bit of a rest. Sinon begins to have doubts in the entire war effort due to Earth Alliance’s lack of intervention as well as the fact it has become increasingly obvious the crew really is flying without a clear plan. Supplies are running dangerously low. The Supreme Council Chairman has died and the kingdom is preparing for one last push … with five ships.

10 – Sudden Death
While a good portion of the crew is at a party on Palmyra courtesy of the AGI, the Amaterasu is attacked. AGI terminates its contract under pressure from the Kingdom, and Dita has been recalled by Peter.

11 – Return Match
The crew is given an option to leave in the face of the upcoming five ships to one battle and no additional supplies. One member leaves (at least on camera), but not for the reasons everyone thinks. Sinon presents a unique plan to handle the Kingdom’s ships, and battle is engaged while a power struggle shapes up planetside.

12 – War Cry
Things look bleak for the Amaterasu. Although both sides have taken severe damage, the damage is so much on each side that it really becomes a toss-up to see who will win. The Amaterasu holds out hope that the Earth Alliance will make a move against the Kingdom and jump into the battle.

13 – The Moment of Truth
The Amaterasu and Conquistador’s last-ditch face off takes place, and the Earth Alliance finally plays its hand. The Earth Alliance’s full plans are revealed as a result of live broadcasting, as well as why they waited so long to jump in.

This disc is packed with episodes and extras, enough to make any fan happy!

Rating: 9

If you’re a fan of Starship Operators do yourself a favor and carve out a bit of time to watch the entire disc in one setting – the first time. There is no ‘two episodes at a time’ flavor to this disc – watching all five is not only acceptable, but encouraged. Put together with volumes 1 and 2, the series has strong repeatable value.

Rating: 9

Often billed as a ‘half-season’ series, thirteen episodes is just enough time to get in, get into the action, tell a fantastic story and get out before things get bogged down and stretched out with needless padding. That said this may be one of those series that is so good, you actually wouldn’t mind seeing more of but understand it would sacrifice the quality of the existing show. It knows when the show’s over and takes a well timed and satisfying farewell. Good job, cadets!

Rating: 9

9 – Turning Point
10 – Sudden Death
11 – Return Match
12 – War Cry
13 – The Moment of Truth

Mini Poster
Music Video – “Brave Wings”
Music Video – “Blue Star”
Final Episode, Creditless Ending
– Previews

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