Anime Reviews

Anime: Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke Rediscovered (Episodes 110-112)

Anime: Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke Rediscovered (Episodes 110-112)


image After 100+ episodes, Yu Yu Hakusho is coming to an end. Yusuke Rediscovered takes us to the finale of the series: the conclusion of the tournament to rule the Demon Realms and the required wrap up episode. This last disc features the fight we’ve been waiting for: Yusuke versus Yomi, in a fight so big it takes two episodes to play out. And then there’s the farewells, the closure to a long, interesting series, and it’s goodbye.
110: A Reason to Fight
The tournament for control of the Demon Realms continues. This episode begins the fight we’ve wanted since the tournament began, the big showdown between Yusuke and Yomi. With thrilling fight scenes and lots of action, it proves well worth the wait.

111: Closure
The battle between Yusuke and Yomi raises on, resulting in world (or, at least, arena) shattering special moves and punches. The victor is decided in this episode and it proves to be quite a surprise.

112: To The Future
After the bizarre creatures and people of the Demon Realm, going back to the world of humans seems horribly bland. This episode is the wrap up episode, as the major characters tie up loose ends and the curtain comes down.

Animation and sound are up to their usual standard, not ground-breaking but good enough to get the job done. The character designs are interesting, familiar by this point, but still eye-catching. The extras on this particular disc are nice, with commentaries and outtakes to finish off the series, and the usual character profiles. The episodes are also uncut, which has been a hallmark of the Yu Yu Hakusho DVD releases, and I always appreciate this.

The final disc (or so says the box) is a must for any Yu Yu Hakusho fan. Why would you watch the rest of the series and not watch this? The final installment closes everything out, and the fight between Yusuke and Yomi would be reason enough to buy the disc. While I’m kind of sad to see it go, I must say that Yusuke Rediscovered is a fine way to close out a very good series.

Technical/Extras: 8.5
The commentaries and outtakes are a nice way to throw in a little something extra for the series close.

Entertainment: 8.0
This is a good installment, a fairly satisfying closure to a long, twisting series.

Overall: 8.0

Episodes: 110: A Reason to Fight, 111: Closure, 112: To The Future

Extras: 5 Commentaries, Outtakes and Foul-ups, Character Profiles, Textless Songs, Trailers, Uncut Episodes

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