
Arrested Development Movie Inches Closer to Reality


Series creator Mitch Hurwitz says a deal is “more or less in place,” while teen-film star Michael Cera’s involvement continues to be a mystery.

For fans of the short-lived comedy, Arrested Development (arguably, one of the greatest sitcoms of all time), any news involving the dearly departed Bluth family is good news and over the past year, the chance to see our favorite dysfunctional ensemble on the big screen was the best that we could hope for. While those involved with the series have expressed their interest in a film reunion, nothing so far has been as solid as Cinematical’s report that creator Mitch Hurwitz is indeed seriously considering an Arrested Development movie.

“We want to do it,” said Hurwitz, promoting his new animated series Sit Down, Shut Up to the press. “We have a deal more or less in place from Fox Searchlight, and we’re kind of getting all the actors on board.” Will Arnett, who played the incomparable G.O.B. Bluth, took things one step farther by telling E! Online, “For once and for all, the Arrested Development movie is happening!”

Fans of the series, however, aren’t celebrating just yet as series mainstay, Michael Cera, who made a name for himself and his brand of self-depreciating, awkward comedy as George-Michael has yet to sign on for the project. Cera, who has since gone to star in such hits as Superbad and 2007’s idie darling, Juno, has been quite busy as of late, though that hasn’t stopped a large number of fans from expressing their frustration with his silence on the matter.

“He’s certainly not said that he won’t do it,” told Jason Bateman to E! Online. Bateman, who played Cera’s father on the series, is most certainly the prime candidate to put his decision or lack of into perspective, having been labelled a child star himself for his time on the 80’s sitcom classic, Silver Spoons. “I think Michael is clearly the guy that has come out of Arrested Development with a very big plate, so I think he’s trying to really give some responsible thought to what makes sense for him to do with his career. The guy is 20 years old and I’m sure he doesn’t want to screw up this opportunity.”

From the sounds of it, it seems as though Hurwitz plans to get the Bluth family to the big screen, with or without Michael Cera, joking that he’d even shoot a prequel starring a CG version of the star as an 8-year-old.

Considering just how important every member of the Arrested Development cast is to the overall quality, it’s difficult to say just how damaging a movie would be without the contributions of Michael Cera as the cousin-loving teen, George Michael. Does his involvement, or lack of affect your will to see an Arrested Development movie? For those who have yet to experience the tragically cancelled comedy, the entire series is available for free on Hulu, though regional restrictions may apply.

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