
Asherons Call: A little carol from Dereth

Blood Letter/Death’s Messenger of Solclaim sends us this rendition of Silver Bells…done Dereth.
[Apologies to my friend, Jat’Two’K, for intentionally slaughtering the pronunciation of his name, for the purpose of rhyme and meter. Especially since he’d never die to so lowly a beast as a Gotrok Lugian.]

sung to the tune of Silver Bells

Dyin’ Jat’Twok, Angry Gotrok
Corpses left in a pile
In the air
There’s a feeling of Distress.

Minions laughing
Mages casting
Slaying Bile after Bile
And from ever-y spellcaster you’ll hear

Fizzle Spells, Fizzle Spells
It’s Lifestone time, what a pity
Re-Buff-ing, Por-tal-ing
Some-day this critter, I’ll slay

Tar-gets in sight,
Time for a fight
Links a bright red not Green!
As the monsters rush in, for my treasure

Hear the bone crunch
See the beast munch
This is kind-a ob-scene
And above all this tussle, you’ll hear

Fizzle Spells, Fizzle Spells
It’s Lifestone time, what a pity
Re-Buff-ing, Por-tal-ing
Some-day I’ll kill my vi-TAE

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Asherons Call: Where in Dereth – Christmas Party

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