
Asherons Call: From that Guy In Yuma

Sometimes its the little things that let you remember what day of the week it is when you’re telecommuting from home:

  • Something is wrong
  • After Action
  • Stoic buffing
  • Salvage Mules
  • Pincer Day
  • Reward
  • New Armor setup
  • Caul Fellows
  • Guest Writer: Archmage Lara
  • I did have a small stumble. I had been using Fist de Mage as a buffer for a while. I cleared the start, something that is second only to the flood room in difficulty, and was moving up the hall.

    I had one Mut and hit the attack key. Nothing happened. I have had decal problems in the past. I figured that Stoic had stopped working. I quickly use a hot key to attack, with the same negative results. My nephew pointed out the out “of comps message.” It seemed that I had burnt through 2000 tapers when being used as a buffer.

    Fortunately, I was only fighting one Mut. I ran back to the start and logged off. I logged back Fist and did a drop mule with a 1000 tapers. Of course that meant I had to re-fight the start, but at least I was saved the run back.

    Like what you’ve seen? Find the whole thing here!

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