
Asherons Call: LC: Live Event In Holt

+LeM Kyoshi (Live Event Manager) brewed up a real challenge for the warriors of Dereth this evening.

What began as a few Virindi Observers outside of Holtburg, quickly turned into a massacre of epic proportions.

The player base on Leafcull quickly dispatched the progression of Virindi spawns … Observers, Profatrix, Consul, right on up to Quidox and Paradox.

The players of LC had apparently stunned the +LeM with their fighting abilities.

+LeM Kyoshi says, “Ok is everyone in a fellow?” “Has everyone grabbed their bodies?”

This of course sent us all scrambling to get into fellows … on the edge of our seats we waited for what might come …

Obliterators !!! Dozens of them !!!

Not tough enough?

Tremendous Monougas !!!

Still not enough?

Pookies !!!

As a finally the +LeM threw a bunck of Biakas and Zefirs at us.

What an event … What a battle.

About the author

Yu Yu Hakusho: King Urameshi

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