
Asherons Call: New Fist de Yuma Posted! – We have met the enemy, and it is us

Case for spec’s Creature melee
We have met the enemy, and it is us

The reason we could find it after backtracking, is you can see the passage
if coming from a different direction. The hill hides it when coming from
where we had. With that discovery, the trip is easy.

So we made it to the dungeon very fast this time. We ran to the upper/lower
portal room and were ready to try it again. Everything was smooth, and we
were careful not to pass any switches.

It was all for naught. Somehow, we had missed the same switch as before. We
were stuck, and had no idea where we had gone wrong. Not understanding what
was going on with their side did not help.

We decided to recall to the mansion and give it another try. As we could
recall back, this was not a great hardship.

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Asherons Call: Leveling Fireworks Discussion

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