
Asherons Call: New Weapons Database! All That\’\’s Missing is You!

What”s your motivation for helping us out? Well, for starters, we want to be a quality site that you can go to for help. And we can”t do that without [i]your[/i] support! So we need your screenshots of the weapons you like to use!

Second of all, we”re talking about FAME. That”s right! When someone comes along and clicks on a weapon, what could be more cool than having YOUR picture there? Tell your buddies in your alliegiance! That”s you holding that Sword of Lost Light!

Okay, enough of the why you should do it. Here”s how you should:

Submit your additions to me, [email protected] with the complete stats for the weapon you”ll be submitting as well as a screenshot or two of you modelling the weapon and the in-game screen of the stats and icon.

I would like your screenshots in jpeg or gif format. So please, convert those bmp files to something more compressed. I”ll take care of editing the screenshots to their highest quality, if that”s a concern.

If you are also including an icon of the weapon, please use the original skin for AC. We”re trying to be the most consistent as we can, and other skins to the game can”t be showcased.

Also, I”d like to make the weapons database a place where you can also read up on the lore behind the weapons. So if you”d like to send in a brief summary of where the weapon came from, that would probably end up in the database as well! So show me your l33t storytelling skills!

If you need any more info, please feel free to contact me! After all, it”s your efforts that drive what the database will be! I just make it look good. ;o)

Alrighty! On to………

The BIG List of Weapons



1. Academy Hand-Axe

2. Acid Axe

3. Assault Axe

4. Atlan Axe

5. Axe of the Quiddity

6. Battle Axe

7. Brogard”s Axe

8. Bronze Quintessence Sickle

9. Cragstone”s Axe

10. Deadly Hollow Axe

11. Explorer Axe

12. Fire Spine Axe

13. Hammer of Frore

14. Hammer of Lightning

15. Hand Axe

16. Hollow Axe

17. Lugian Axe

18. Lugian Hammer

19. Obsidian Axe

20. Ono

21. Palenqual”s Tewhate of the Chase

22. Phantom Axe

23. Pickaxe

24. Quintenssence Sickle

25. Ravenous Axe

26. Shou-ono

27. Silifi

28. Silfili of Crimson Stars

29. Singularity Axe

30. Society Axe

31. Spine Axe

32. Starter Hand Axe

33. Starter Shou-Ono

34. Starter Tungi

35. Storm Renderer

36. Training Hand Axe

37. Trothyr”s War Hammer

38. Tungi

39. War Hammer

Things that should be added

1. Audetaunga”s Tewhate of the Mountains

2. Fine Spine Axe

3. Ko

4. Palenqual”s Tewhate of the Heights

5. Palenqual”s Tewhate of the Vortex

6. Tanae”s Tewhate of the Forests

7. Tewhate

8. Volkama”s Tewhate of the Rivers

9. Lugian Pickaxe

10. Bronze Battle Axe

11. Bronze Cragstone”s Axe

12. Bronze Quintessence Sickle


R -> Regular

G -> Greater

D -> Deadly



1. Arrows

2. Greater Arrows

3. Deadly Arrows

4. Armor Piercing (R, G, D)

5. Barbed (G)

6. Bloodletter

7. Blunt (R, G, D)

8. Crystal-tip

9. Enchanted Fire

10. Fleshripper

11. Frog Crotch (R, G, D)

12. Fire(R, G, D)

13. Frost (R, G, D)

14. Acid (R, G, D)

15. Lightning (R, G, D)

16. Lilitha”s

17. Soulrender

18. Swamp Tooth

Atlatl Darts

1. Atlatl Dart (R, G)

2. Acid (R, G)

3. Armor Piercing (R, G)

4. Blunt (R, G)

5. Fire (R, G)

6. Frog Crotch (R, G)

7. Frost (R, G)

8. Lightning (R, G)

9. Starter Dart


1. Quarrel (R, G, D)

2. Acid (R, G, D)

3. Armor Piercing (R, G, D)

4. Barbed (G)

5. Bloodletter

6. Blunt (R, G, D)

7. Crystal-tip

8. Fire (R, G, D)

9. Fleshripper

10. Frog Crotch (R, G, D)

11. Frost (R, G, D)

12. Jade Tooth

13. Lightning (R, G, D)

14. Soulrender


1. Barbed Arrow

2. Barbed Quarrel


1. Academy Shortbow

2. Bow of the Quiddity

3. Composite Bow

4. Crystal Bow (Caulnalain)

5. Crystal Bow (Fenmalain)

6. Crystal Bow (Shendolain)

7. Elari Wood Bow

8. Explorer Yumi

9. Isparian Bow (Perfect)

10. Isparian Bow (Superb)

11. Isparian Bow (Superb-Shimmering)

12. Lilitha”s Bow

13. Longbow

14. Nayin

15. Shortbow

16. Shouyumi

17. Society Yumi

18. Starter Shortbow

19. Starter Shouyumi

20. Training Shortbow

21. Yag

22. Yumi

–Needs to be Added—–

1. Composite Bow with Handle

2. Singularity Bow

3. Singularity Bow (Upgraded)

4. Bronze Longbow

5. Starter Yag


1. Academy Light Crossbow

2. Balister of the Quiddity

3. Composite Crossbow

4. Crystal Crossbow (Caulnalain)

5. Crystal Crossbow (Fenmalain)

6. Crystal Crossbow (Shendolain)

7. Explorer Crossbow

8. Heavy Crossbow

9. Light Crossbow

10. Light Training Crossbow

11. Singularity Crossbow

12. Society Crossbow

13. Starter Crossbow

14. Vanguard Leader”s Crossbow

–Needs to be Added—–

1. Composite Crossbow with Handle

2. Singularity Crossbow (Upgraded)

3. Bronze Heavy Crossbow

4. Isparian Crossbow


1. Abmim”s Jambiya

2. Academy Dagger

3. Ancient Pyreal Dagger

4. Ash Tooth Dagger

5. Atlan Dagger

6. Audetaunga”s Okane of the Mountains

7. Dagger

8. Dagger of the Quiddity

9. Dagger of Tikola

10. Deadly Hollow Dagger

11. Dull Dagger

12. Explorer Dagger

13. Gertarh”s Dagger

14. Hollow Dagger

15. Isparian Dagger (Perfect)

16. Isparian Dagger (Superb)

17. Khanjar

18. Knife

19. Obsidian Dagger

20. Okane

21. Oswald”s Dagger

22. Peculiar Old Dagger

23. Phantom Dagger

24. Ravenous Dagger

25. Rusted Knife

26. Sacrificial Dagger

27. Scalpel

28. Society Dagger

29. Starter Jambiya

30. Starter Knife

31. Training Dagger

–Needs to be Added—–

1. Asmolum”s Dagger

2. Jambiya

3. Palenqual”s Okane of the Chase

4. Palenqual”s Okane of the Heights

5. Palenqual”s Okane of the Vortex

6. Tanae”s Okane of the Forests

7. Volkama”s Okane of the Rivers

8. Singularity Dagger

9. Singularity Dagger (Upgraded)

10. Bronze Dagger


1. Academy Mace

2. Assault Mace

3. Atlan Mace

4. Bludgeoning Sword

5. Club

6. Dabus

7. Drudge Board with Nail

8. Explorer Jitte

9. Golem Mace

10. Hollow Mace

11. Kasrullah

12. Lugian Board with Nail

13. Lugian Club

14. Lugian Mace

15. Lugian Morning Star

16. Lugian Scepter

17. Lugian Warlord”s Scepter

18. Mace

19. Mace of the Explorer

20. Mace of the Quiddity

21. Mi Krau-Li”s Improved Jitte

22. Mi Krau-Li”s Jitte

23. Morning Star

24. Osseous Mace

25. Pyreal Mace

26. Ravenous Mace

27. Scepter of Might

28. Singularity Mace

29. Singularity Mace (Upgraded)

30. Society Jitte

31. Spiked Club

32. Tofun

33. Torch

34. Training Mace

35. Tumerok Board with Nail

36. Ursuin Fang Mace

37. Vanguard Leader”s Morningstar

–Needs to be Added—–

1. Audetaunga”s Waaika of the Mountains

2. Fang Mace

3. Jitte

4. Palenqual”s Waaika of the Chase

5. Palenqual”s Waaika of the Heights

6. Palenqual”s Waaika of the Vortex

7. Starter Jitte

8. Starter Kasrullah

9. Tanae”s Waaika of the Forests

10. Volkama”s Waaika of the Rivers

11. Waaika

12. Deadly Hollow Mace

13. Phantom Mace

14. Bronze Morningstar

15. Isparian Mace


1. Academy Spear

2. Assualt Spear

3. Atlan Spear

4. Aun Tanua”s War Taiaha

5. Auroch Horn Spear

6. Budiaq

7. Deadly Hollow Spear

8. Ebon Spine Harpoon

9. Explorer Spear

10. Fire Spear

11. Green Mire Yari

12. Hafted Falcon Spear

13. Hafted Gromnie Banner with Crest

14. Hafted Mask Spear

15. Hafted Reedshark Banner with Crest

16. Hafted Reedshark Spear

17. Hafted Serpent Spear

18. Hafted Shreth Banner with Crest

19. Hafted Shreth Spear

20. Hollow Spear

21. Isparian Spear (Perfect)

22. Lance of the Quiddity

23. Palenqual”s Taiaha of the Vortex

24. Phantom Spear

25. Ravenous Spear

26. Reinforced Falcon Spear

27. Reinforced Gromnie Banner with Crest

28. Reinforced Gromnie Spear

29. Reinforced Mask Banner with Crest

30. Reinforced Mask Spear

31. Reinforced Reedshark Spear

32. Reinforced Serpent Banner with Crest

33. Reinforced Serpent Spear

34. Reinforced Shreth Banner with Crest

35. Reinforced Shreth Spear

36. Rumuba”s Jade Spear

37. Serpent Fang

38. Singularity Spear

39. Society Spear

40. Spear

41. Spear of Purity

42. Starter Spear

43. Swordstaff

44. Tibir”s Fire Spear

45. Training Spear

46. Trident

47. Tumerok Spear

48. Yari

–Needs to be Added—–

1. Audetaunga”s Taiaha of the Mountains

2. Hafted Falcon Banner with Crest

3. Hafted Gromnie Spear

4. Hafted Mask Banner with Crest

5. Naginata

6. Palenqual”s Taiaha of the Chase

7. Palenqual”s Taiaha of the Heights

8. Reinforced Falcon Banner with Crest

9. Reinforced Reedshark Banner with Crest

10. Starter Budiaq

11. Starter Yari

12. Taiaha

13. Tanae”s Taiaha of the Forests

14. Tumerok War Taiaha

15. Volkama”s Taiaha of the Rivers

16. Singularity Spear (Upgraded)

17. Bronze Spear

18. Hafted Serpent Banner with Crest


1. Academy Staff

2. Assault Staff

3. Atlan Staff

4. Crop

5. Explorer Staff

6. Golem Jo

7. Hoeroa of Palenqual

8. Hollow Staff

9. Isparian Staff (Perfect)

10. Isparian Staff (Quality)

11. Isparian Staff (Superb)

12. Jo

13. Nabut

14. Oak Staff

15. Phantom Staff

16. Quarter Staff

17. Quarter Staff of Fire

18. Ravenous Staff

19. Society Staff

20. Soul Staff

21. Staff of the Nomads

22. Starter Nabut

23. Starter Quarterstaff

24. Stave of Quiddity

25. Tanae”s Hoeroa of the Forests

26. Training Staff

27. Tremblant”s Ivory Staff

28. Volkama”s Hoeroa of the Rivers

–Needs to be Added—–

1. Audetaunga”s Hoeroa of the Mountains

2. Broken Haft

3. Hoeroa

4. Palenqual”s Hoeroa of the Chase

5. Palenqual”s Hoeroa of the Heights

6. Palenqual”s Hoeroa of the Vortex

7. Starter Jo

8. Deadly Hollow Staff

9. Singularity Staff

10. Singularity Staff (Upgraded)

11. Bronze Quarterstaff


1. Academy Short Sword

2. Ashbane

3. Blade of the Quiddity

4. Broad Sword

5. Crystal Sword

6. Explorer Sword

7. Hollow Sword

8. Ice Tachi

9. Isparian Sword (Perfect) [All 5 incarnations]

10. Kaskara

11. Ken

12. Long Sword

13. Lou Ka”s Yaoji

14. Olthoi Sword

15. Overlord”s Sword

16. Phantom Sword

17. Ravenous Sword

18. Scimitar

19. Shamshir

20. Short Sowrd

21. Simi

22. Singularity Sword

23. Singularity Sword (Upgraded)

24. Society Sword

25. Starter Shortsword

26. Sword of Lost Hope

27. Sword of Lost Light

28. Tachi

29. Takuba

30. Training Short Sword

31. Yaoji

–Needs to be Added—–

1. Rapier

2. Starter Simi

3. Starter Yaoji

4. Deadly Hollow Sword

5. Bronze Short Sword

6. Bronze Zharalim Simi

7. Bronze Ben Ten”s Tachi

8. Ulgrim”s Sword

Thrown Weapons

1. “Enchanted” Iceball

2. Academy Atlatl

3. Asmolum”s Trhowing Dagger

4. Atlatl

5. Dart

6. Discus

7. Djarid

8. Ebon Spine Harpoon

9. Flaming Pumpkinhead

10. Flaming Skull

11. Gertarh”s Throwing Dagger

12. Iceball

13. Ivory Tooth Dart

14. Jack o” Lantern (Superior)

15. Jack o”Lantern

16. Javelin

17. Mangled Pumpkin

18. Oswald”s Throwing Dagger

19. Poofy Snowball

20. Rock

21. Shouken

22. Starter Dart

23. Throwing Axe

24. Throwing Club

25. Throwing Dagger

26. Throwing Dart

27. Training Atlatl

–Needs to be Added—–

1. Bowl

2. Chalice

3. Cup

4. Dinner Plate

5. Ewer

6. Flagon

7. Goblet

8. Mug

9. Ornamental Bowl

10. Platter

11. Snowball

12. Starter Shouken

13. Stone

14. Stoup

15. Superior Jack o” Lantern

16. Tankard

17. Isparian Atlatl

18. Simple Flower Boquet

19. Elegant Flower Boquet

Unarmed Weapons

1. Academy Cestus

2. Atlan Claw

3. Basalt Blade

4. Bronze Cestus

5. Cestus

6. Deadly Hollow Katar

7. Explorer Katar

8. Fist of the Quiddity

9. Hamud”s Pyreal Katar

10. Hollow Katar

11. Katar

12. Mattekar Claw

13. Nekode

14. Phantom Katar

15. Ravenous katar

16. Singularity Katar

17. Singularity Katar (Upgraded)

18. Siraluun Matihao

19. Society Katar

20. Training Cestus

–Needs to be Added—–

1. Bronze Cestus

2. Isparian Claw

Wands & Orbs

1. Academy Wand

2. Asteliary Orb

3. Asteliary Orb (imbued)

4. Awakener

5. Blue Orb

6. Branith”s Staff

7. Buadren

8. Crystal Orb (Caulnalain)

9. Crystal Orb (Fenmalain)

10. Crystal Orb (Shendolain)

11. Dark Heart

12. Dark Sorcerer”s Phylactery

13. Essence Flare

14. Essence Flicker

15. Explorer Wand of Acid

16. Explorer Wand of Fire

17. Explorer Wand of Frost

18. Explorer Wand of Lightning

19. Eye of the Quiddity

20. Focusing Stone

21. Globe of Auberean

22. Hafted Falcon Banner with Symbol

23. Hafted Gromnie Banner with symbol

24. Hafted Reedshark Banner with Symbol

25. Healer”s Heart

26. Hieromancer”s Orb

27. Impious Staff

28. Invoker

29. Isparian Wand (Perfect)

30. Isparian Wand (Quality)

31. Niffis pearl

32. Orb

33. Orb of Black Fire

34. Orb of the Bunny Booty

35. Quiddity Orb

36. Reinforced Falcon Haft with Symbol

37. Reinforced Gromnie Banner with Symbol

38. Reinforced Mask Banner with Symbol

39. Reinforced Reedshark Banner with Symbol

40. Society Wand of Acid

41. Society Wand of Fire

42. Society Wand of Frost

43. Society Wand of Lightning

44. Staff

45. Staff of Aerfalle

46. Staff of Clarity

47. Staff of the Lightbringer

48. Staff of the Weeping Witness

49. Training Wand

50. Virindi Implant (purple)

51. Virindi Implant (red)

52. Wand

53. Wand (cheap) – Delete this

54. Wand of Black Fire

55. White Virindi Wand

56. Yellow Virindi Wand

–Needs to be Added—–

1. Orb of Clarity

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