
Asherons Call: Prepared for Patch Day (Update)

Gimme a Go/No-Go for Launch:

Screenshot of the Day: Disabled!

Forums: Streamlined!

Picture Submissions Page: Um, working on it!

Further Refinements to the Front Page: Coming!

Just a few more last minute tweaks to the site before I feel that we are ready for tomorrow. I’m curious to see how the site responds this patch day, we’ve done quite a bit of streamlining. You may have noticed the new frames for the Forums, I hope those help with navigating. Allen dug up the source code for the old CoD site and used that as a basis for that page. After doing the majority of the coding on it, I went and tweaked it a bit for the site. People helping people, that is what CoD is all about!

Update: I know a few of you have hit some bugs in the streamlined forums. I’ve made some changes to the forums page, I hope that addresses the problems you’ve seen.

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Asherons Call: Hey look it\’s patch day!

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