
Asherons Call: The “Ten Thousand Members and One Hundred Serverwide Events” Quest-A-Thon!

Sprawl of Frostfell says:

About two years ago, one of my very best friends got me readdicted to Asheron’s Call. In the months following, I’ve had the pleasure to work very closely with him even though he has moved far away from me in real life. Together and with the help of countless others, what started as a group of friends and an experience chain, turned into one of the most influentual forces on Frostfell.


Not only has Clan Z surpassed the “ten thousand member mark” but we have just reached the “one hundred mark” for Clan Z hosted Serverwide Events! It is hardly the end though, let’s kick off the climb to twenty thousand and two hundred with a week’s worth of quests!

About the author

Asherons Call: Where in Dereth – A cute looking small cavern, but where?

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