
Assassin’s Creed Unity Runs at 900p Resolution to “Avoid All the Debates” – Updated

Assassin's Creed Unity co-op

Both the Xbox One and PS4 will play Assassin’s Creed Unity at 900p resolution and 30 fps due to hardware limitations.

Update: Ubisoft has responded with an official statement:

“We understand how Senior Producer Vincent Pontbriand’s quotes have been misinterpreted. To set the record straight, we did not lower the specs for Assassin’s Creed Unity to account for any one system over the other.

Assassin’s Creed Unity has been engineered from the ground up for next-generation consoles. Over the past 4 years, we have created Assassin’s Creed Unity to attain the tremendous level of quality we have now achieved on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. It’s a process of building up toward our goals, not scaling down, and we’re proud to say that we have reached those goals on all SKUs.

At no point did we decide to reduce the ambitions of any SKU. All benefited from the full dedication of all of our available optimization resources to help them reach the level of quality we have today with the core Assassin’s Creed Unity experience.”

Original story: According to an interview with Videogamer, Assassin’s Creed Unity will run at 900p resolution/30 frames per second on both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Ubisoft’s Vincent Pontbriand explains that the consoles’ CPUs are affecting Unity‘s performance, and as a result, “We decided to lock them at the same specs to avoid all the debates and stuff.”

Pontbriand elaborated on the hardware limitations, saying, that although the next-gen GPUs are “really powerful,” the CPU has “all these systems running in parallel,” like the AI and numerous NPCs onscreen. “We could be running at 100fps if it was just graphics, but because of AI, we’re still limited to 30 frames per second.”

Getting frustrated about 900p resolution seems a bit petty, but we’re nearly a year into the Xbox One and PS4’s lifespans and 1080p/60fps games are still considered newsworthy. Add in reports that the Wii U has more games running at 1080p/60fps than either other next-gen console and Unity‘s 900p resolution seems even more like a missed opportunity.

We’ve reached out to Ubisoft for comment and will update with the publisher’s response.

Source: Videogamer

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