
Assassin’s Creed: Unity‘s Microtransactions Won’t “Compromise” The Game


Ubisoft is willing to consider microtransactions and other monetization methods that would fit with Assassin’s Creed: Unity‘s gameplay.

Assassin’s Creed: Unity looks pretty engaging so far, despite the unexpected post-reveal criticisms. Now Ubisoft is throwing one more controversial element into the mix: Featuring microtransactions within the core game. According to senior producer Vincent Pontbriand, Unity will include optional real-world purchases for in-game items, although he assured players this wouldn’t compromise the core game.

Unity‘s microtransaction system hasn’t been fully detailed just yet, so the full extent of purchases isn’t quite clear. What we do know is that Unity uses a fast track approach of exchanging real-world money for gear and items that could otherwise be obtained through play. Pontbriand stated this was “pretty much” the extent of microtransactions for Unity, and that monetization methods would only be considered if they fit the gameplay.

“There’s a couple of things like that we’ll always have to be on the lookout for,” Pontbriand said when asked about the pressure to monetize. “Companion apps, monetization, other business models, digital only… We have to be reactive to these things, but not necessarily fundamentally change what we’re trying to do … It depends. If we think it fits the gameplay, or the brand itself, the core values, we’re willing to take those risks. If not, then not. We’re not going to make any compromises.”

This wouldn’t be the first time the Assassin’s Creed franchise featured microstransactions, such as when Assassin’s Creed 3 included them in multiplayer. Given that most of Assassin’s Creed: Unity‘s microtransactions sound like they could be safely ignored, I expect this is simply Ubisoft’s way of testing the waters in a single-player/co-op environment. Whatever form these microtransactions take, hopefully they won’t be too obtrusive and get in the way of murderous plots and aerial acrobatics. We’ll find out when it launches on October 28, 2014.

Source: Total Xbox, via VG247

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