Auto Assault: Road Ranger of the Week

Auto Assault: Road Rager of the Week: ShazBo!

ShazBo – August 13, 2007


Main Avatar:

Race & Class:
Biomek Constructor


First Name (RL):

Location (RL):
Ottawa, Canada

When and How did you start playing Auto Assault?
My friend got into the beta; I played his character a bit and really enjoyed the game. I then got myself in the beta and have been playing ever since.

How did you choose you Avatar’s name?
I really don’t know, I just saw the name years ago somewhere and liked it. I have been using it for every game that I play.

Why did you choose your main Faction & Class?
I choose the Meks because I thought that they were the coolest of the 3 factions and that Humans were boring. I still ask myself everyday why I chose Constructor; I prefer to do the killing.

Do you play solo? Why did you join a clan?
I was in a small clan when the game started that focused on the arena PvP when the tourneys were still in the game. I was helped to 80 by CHEECH and then invited to the Legion by him. I just think that being in a clan makes the game so much better; I can’t stand playing when there is no one, playing by yourself is just so boring.

Do you prefer PvE or PvP?
PvP ftw, a month ago I would have said that people who do the epic missions are crazy, but then I started to do the Justice one. Okay, people who do the epics are crazy, especially when there is only 2 months left in the game and you continue to do them.

Do you craft? What is your favorite crafted item?
I’ve started to craft custom wheels but never really got around to getting to 200 in them. I don’t remember if I have a favorite crafted item, I can’t even remember what I have that is crafted.

What is your weapon of choice?
My favorite weapon would have to be the Tower medium front, which apparently I have one with the highest accuracy anyone has seen, 287, its nice not being able to miss much at all.


What is your favorite ride?
It would definitely have to be the Glaive 3.1, otherwise know as the Turbo Pimpin Party Wagon even though I really really like my Justice Unifier with the nice rims I found for it. I’m all about ridding in style.

Which junk item do you refuse to get rid of?
I accidentally sold all my junk so I don’t have any left, I know, I’m an idiot =P

What is your favorite NPC & location in AA?
Oh Depths for sure, oooooh favorite, umm, I guess GZ is my fav place, where everything happens. I don’t keep track of NPCs, story and what not so I don’t have a favorite NPC.

Who is your Arch-Nemesis in AA (Player or other)?
Don’t think I have an arch-nemesis, I don’t know enough people.

What is your favorite moment you’ve experienced in AA?
I think my fav was the car show and boss killing event, which was a lot of fun (although our team didn’t win anything and my ride lost to an ugly truck, just kidding Arli, please don’t stop the heals)

What song/genre you like to listen while playing AA?
I mostly listen to rap while playing. You really have to listen to music in this game, especially while in depths, so depressing down there.

What current feature would you change in AA to make it better?
Umm, not canceling it?

Which new AA features would you like to see in the future?
Well, if the game were continuing I would like to see the tourneys back up and new rewards for winning them, maybe tokens.

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