
Avatar 2 Coming Christmas 2017

avatar movie

Director James Cameron has revealed that the next chapter in the Avatar franchise will be hitting theaters in December 2017.

Remember a few years back before Disney bought Star Wars and we were all still looking for a new franchise to fill the gaping “science fiction adventure” hole in Hollywood’s blockbuster lineup? Back in 2009, it looked like James Cameron Avatar might do the trick. Well-liked by moviegoers, it earned nearly $3 billion in worldwide ticket sales, prompting Cameron and company to announce two more sequels that then seemed to pretty much fall off the map. Well Navi fans can now rejoice because Avatar 2 has finally received a release window.

Speaking about the film in a recent interview, Cameron revealed that Avatar 2 will hit theaters in December 2017. “Christmas of 2017 is the target [release date]. At least, that’s what we’ve announced,” he said. Going on he confirmed that writing for the film “is ongoing, but almost finished.” He further stated that the film’s production has “design more or less finished” and that its “technical development,” “stages” and “infrastructure” are all “done.” The plan for the Avatar sequels is to film all the planned sequels at the same time and then release them once a year after filming wraps up. Cameron has said that each of the new movies “stand alone” while also containing a “meta-narrative that runs across the three movies.”

While I’ll admit that my personal interest in Avatar has definitely waned since the film’s original release, I’m going to go ahead and say that I’ll be curious to see how the new movies pan out and if audiences still care about Pandora after eight years filled with big developments like the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the new Star Wars films. What about you? Will Avatar 2 be on your movie radar come 2017? Or have bigger and better things captured too much of your attention?

Source: Comic Book

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