
Become a Better Captain in Sunless Sea with Unlockable Legacy Items

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The dark waters of Sunless Sea are an unforgiving place, but it’s possible to make life easier on future generations with secret legacy items. See how to unlock all five in the terrifying Unterzee.

There’s so much to see and do in the unique setting of Sunless Sea, it’s impossible to get everything done in just one lifetime. That’s why your Captain can pass on his legacy to the next generation. Using these unique legacy items, it’s possible to start with additional benefits and upgrades before commandeering your first ship.

Most legacy items are unlocked by completing difficult completion challenges. Build your own kingdom and establish embassies, send valuable officers back to the surface, travel through mysterious gates or steal an ape’s zeppelin — those are just a few of the tasks required. Take on the Sunless Sea and extend the family line by unlocking the unique upgrades below.

How To Unlock All 5 Legacy Items

Note: Development is still underway. Check back later for new updates if the details below are altered.

Legacy options are displayed after your current Captain retires or dies, allowing you to pass on advantages to the next generation. The items listed below are unlocked by completing certain scenarios or story lines, giving your next captain a leg-up in the dangerous zee.

The Boke of Sharps

Advantage: +25 Iron Starting Bonus
How to Unlock:

  • Method #1: Aid the Anarchist Faction and raise Supremacy to 7. Transport materials from the surface via the Cumaean Canal to Fallen London until a new quest appears, allowing you to take part in the revolution. Completing this storyline locks out Fallen London for your current captain.
  • Method #2: Establish a Colony on Aestival, then receive an embassy from London. This require 30+ Admiralty’s Favor, 100+ Iron, and less than 9 Khanate Supremacy. Completing this task ends the current game.
  • Method #3: Establish a Colony on Aestival, then receive an embassy from Khan’s Shadow, with the Disillusioned Doctor as your Viceroy. This require 3+ Calendar Council Favor and 3+ Anarchist Supremacy. Completing this task ends the current game.

A Dream of Red

Advantage: +25 Hearts Starting Bonus
How to Unlock:

  • Method #1: Convince the Scarred Sister to join your crew as a Surgeon after visiting Hunter’s Keep. Then take her to the Cumaean Canal and pay her way to the surface city of Naples.
  • Method #2: Uncover the Austere Acolyte’s secret and choose to console her. She can be found in Station III — complete errands for her to learn about her secret, then choose “Real Consolation” to earn the book.
  • Method #3: Establish a Colony on Aestival, then receive an embassy from the Khanate. This require 1+ Captivating Treasure, 3+ Leopard’s Condescension favor, and less than 9 London supremacy. You must also pass an Iron Challenge — have 252 Iron to always pass. Completing this task ends the current game.

Manual of Miracles

Advantage: +25 Veils Starting Bonus
How to Unlock:

  • Method #1: Travel to the Salts Lions and make four Sphinxstone deliveries to London without choosing a past. During the last delivery, a Dusty Gentleman will ask for the supplies. Agree and make the delivery for him.
  • Method #2: Establish a Colony on Aestival and create no embassy. Pass an Iron Challenge (252 Iron is 100%) to succeed. Completing this task ends the current game.

The Horizon Codex

Advantage: +25 Pages Starting Bonus
How to Unlock:

  • Method #1: Increase the Dawn Machine’s Supremacy to 7 and complete the quest line. To find the Voracious Diplomat, collect Port Reports and give them to the London Admiralty, then complete the quests for the next contact and give them Vital Intelligence. Raise Supremacy by turning in the Memento Mori or the Sphinxstone to the Grand Geode.
  • Method #2: Complete requests from the Merchant Venturer in Fallen London until he offers a plan to pass through the High Gate in the Avid Horizon. Agree to haul his cargo, then collect the items he requests to open the High Gate. Completing this quest ends your current game.

A Travelling Light

Advantage: +25 Mirrors Starting Bonus
How to Unlock:

  • Method #1: Travel to the Empire of Hands and complete quests in Port Stanton until you’re given access to the apes’ Zeppelin. Collect a Report from all four islands, then turn them in at Fallen London. Meet with the Adventuress and help her, steal an artifact from her dig site, and hand it to the Monkey Emperor. Complete quests to rebuild the Zeppelin and gain control, choosing to steal it when you have the opportunity. Fly east with the machine to earn the item.
  • Method #2: Establish a Colony on Aestival, then receive an embassy from the Presbyterate . This require 1+ Searing Enigma and less than 5 rating in Kingdom: Knowledge is Power. You must also pass a Mirrors Challenge — have 252 Mirrors to always pass. Completing this task ends the current game.

Sources: [1], [2]

Kevin Thielenhaus is a freelance writer for The Escapist. Find him on Twitter here.

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