Cosplay Galleries

Behold The Super Massive C2E2 Cosplay Gallery, Part 1

Chicagoland cosplayers were out in full force, and it was frequently an amazing thing to see.

If you live in Chicago, then there’s a strong chance you might have attended the 5th annual Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo, AKA C2E2, held this weekend. One of The Escapist‘s agents was on the ground to bear witness, and he came back with a metric ton of Cosplay photos guaranteed to blow your mind.

For instance, you could skip ahead to page 15 for what amounts to the most awesome Transformer costume ever. That costume kind of exemplifies what we saw at C2E2, which is a huge array of very intricate costumes that, while not always as super slick, were absolutely, clearly the product of hours and hours of hard work. Color us deeply impressed.

Anyway, we’ll begin with this kind of mind-blowing take on No-Face from Spirited Away. In other news, it’s been 13 years since Spirited Away came out you old, old people.

All photos taken for The Escapist by Garret R. Brown.


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This guy’s Djinn costume granted me my wish to see if there’s anything I could never pull off ever thanks to not being willing to do 400 crunches a day.


Here’s Josh Winchester as Calendar Man, Diana Manhoff as DC Pinup Bombshell Wonder Woman, Tara Matthews as Silver Banshee Superman, and Nel Stanhauser as Lightning.


Zerg Rush, don’t walk, and salute Erin hannah’s rather incrediblmazing Starcraft Marine costume.

EDIT: Erin’s Facebook page is now correct.


The Mother of Dragons is enjoying “Take your kids to C2E2 day.”


Daenerys Targaryen and Sharknado. Suddenly SyFy execs are desperately trying to find miniscule funding for “Game of Cyclones.”


Grace Kellison as Rose Lalonde, Izzi Gartner as Kanaya Maryam, and Dante Ammors as Lil’ Seb. Not seen: Me involuntarily singing “5,000 Candles in the Wind” even though it has absolutely nothing to do with this Lil’ Seb.


This Cesar Romero Joker is completely holding his own with the Nolanverse versions of Catwoman, Batman and Bane.


Commenters: Your help with this one! I have no idea what it is, but I want to call it “Evil Slim Goodbody.” Ignoring my hilarious wrongness, this is kind of awesome.


It’s kind of sad that Shipwreck is the one member of Gi-Joe who can even enjoy Fleet Week.


This is Angeleo Sparano in DeadMau5 getup. Not included: lots of Wub.


Suddenly, a wild force-sensitive warrior invaded the DC universe, and Marvel/Disney has a heart attack.


This Blue Spartan also thinks Jkat’s Harley Quinn costume is kind of dope.


“To be honest, I’m as confused as you are. I thought Jabba the Hutt and Golobulus were the same person.”


Only one thing needs to be said about Joe Serrano’s Hot Rod costume:


Yes, this is National Symbol of France cosplay.


Cesar Romero Joker gets a lesson in snk snk from Lil’ Wolverine. AND A NATION DAWWWW’D


Here’s Adventure Time’s BMO teaching us all a little something about how awesome this BMO costume is.


Here’s Liz Cecil as Jak, Amanda Allen as Daxter, and Melinda Mathis as a Big Sister.


Not going to lie: Emily Cruz’ Bee from Bee and Puppycat is my favorite costume in the gallery.


I should know what this is. I don’t. I do know that it’s awesome. But yeah. Anyway, commenters, I beseech you to educate me, and also, not make too much fun of me for not knowing this one.


Here’s Sam Meadows and Kick-Ass and Mike Cascidy as Captain America.


Jazz, Starscream and Shrapnel all put aside their differences to agree that Michael Bay’s Transformers movies suck large.


As it turns out, Boushh is also a Boba Fett clone because George Lucas cannot let even one thing not be recursively connected to every other thing in the Star Wars galaxy. JUST KIDDING.


Nicole Salera’s Lara Croft costume would like you to know there will be absolutely no digital removal of tattoos. We endorse this.


Finally, here’s Rick Carlson as Jon Snow, Teresa Carlson as Daenerys, Kris Holle as The Hound, Andrea Koeppel as Melisandre, Matt Koepple as Tyrion, and Sara Holle doing a paritcularly great snarky Cersei.

Tune back in on Wednesday morning for the second exciting installment of our C2E2 cosplay gallery. Until then, you’ve got the touch. You’ve got the power*.


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